
This volume plugin adds an RDMA-enabled storage backend to Docker volumes

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

RDMA Volume Plugin for Docker

Build Status

This volume plugin aims to add an RDMA-enabled storage backend to Docker Volumes.

Capstone Project, 2017, UT Austin, Sponsored by Mellanox

How to develop for docker-volume-plugin

Connecting a container

docker run ... --volume-driver=docker-volume-rdma -v "volume_name:/path/to/put/volume:z" ...

As an example, lets launch a httpd server on a shared volume. On every connected host we could run:

docker run -it --rm --volume-driver=docker-volume-rdma -v "volume_name:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/:z" -p 80:80 httpd

Then we could launch another container, on a different machine, and edit the site.

docker run -it --rm --volume-driver=docker-volume-rdma -v "volume_name:/website:z" ubuntu vi /website/index.html

Quick start

Launch an instance of MySQL

Each host is going to run the plugin, so we require shared storage. On a machine that has a port for mysql available, install mysql.

docker run -d \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{mysql_root_password}} \
    -v volume_db:/var/lib/mysql  \

The database should be setup with a dedicated user, {{mysql_username}} and password, {{mysql_password}}.

CREATE SCHEMA {{mysql_schema}};
CREATE USER {{mysql_username}}@* IDENTIFIED BY {{mysql_password}};
GRANT ALL ON {{mysql_schema}}.* TO {{mysql_username}}@*;

Connect storage solution

Connect the RDMA-enabled, shared storage to the container host. Mount it to a common place on all machines, not strictly required, but it may be easier to maintain.

For example: /mnt/glusterfs/rdma/volumes

Install the plugin dependencies

Install Golang, and get the driver

# Ubuntu
apt-get install golang

yum install golang

Edit your ~/.bashrc or equivalent and configure the GOPATH, this will be where all go projects store their dependencies.

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go    # Example, can be anything that you like better

After editing, source the file again so that your $PATH is up to date.

Install the plugin

go get github.com/mellanox-senior-design/docker-volume-rdma

Run the driver in the background (TODO: make service)

cd $GOPATH/go/src/github.com/mellanox-senior-design/docker-volume-rdma
nohup ./run.sh \
    -db=mysql \
    -dbuser={{mysql_username}} \
    -dbpass={{mysql_password}} \
    -dbschema=rdma \
    -dbhost="tcp({{mysql}}:3306)" \
    -sc=on-disk \
    -scpath=/mnt/glusterfs/rmda/volumes &