Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Data Preparation Script for the IMI Project MELLODDY


Version: 3.0.2


The data preprocessing script requires:

  1. Python 3.8 or higher
  2. Local Conda installation (e.g. miniconda)
  3. Git installation

Setup the environment

Clone git repository

First, clone the git repository from the MELLODDY gitlab repository:

git clone git@git.infra.melloddy.eu:wp1/data_prep.git

Create enviroment

Create your own enviroment from the given yml file with:

conda env create -f melloddy_pipeline_env.yml

The environment can be activated by:

conda activate melloddy_pipeline

This environment can be used for TUNER and SPARSECHEM.

Package Installation

You have to install the melloddy-tuner package with pip:

pip install -e .

Make sure that the current version is installed.

Input and Output Files for Year 3

Preparation of Input Files (version year 3)

The following datasets can be generated with MELLODDY-TUNERfor the year 3 federated run:

  1. without auxiliary data

    a) cls: Classification data

    b) reg: Regression data

    c) hybrid: Classification & regression data

  2. with auxiliary data (from HTS, images)

    a) cls: Classification data

    b) reg: Regression data

    c) hybrid: Classification & regression data

Each pharma partner will needs to prepare:

  1. Assay mapping/weight table T0 prepared according to the data preparation manual.
  2. Actvity data file T1 linking information about activity via assay and compound identifiers.
  3. Comprehensive structure file T2 containing compound identifier and SMILES strings of all compounds present in T1.

NEW in YEAR 3: The script can handle multiple T0 and T1 files and concatenate these. Make sure that you do not have duplicated identifiers.

Rules and guidelines to extract data from in-house databases can be found in the Data Preparation Manual provided by WP1.

To run the preprocessing script, the input files should be in csv format and should contain all following columns (even if they are empty):

T0 weight table (T0) (Required column)

input_assay_id assay_type use_in_regression is_binary expert_threshold_1 expert_threshold_2 expert_threshold_3 expert_threshold_4 expert_threshold_5 direction catalog_assay_id parent_assay_id
needs to be unique not empty not empty not empty optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional

T1 activity file

input_compound_id input_assay_id standard_qualifier standard_value
not empty not empty defined values allowed not empty

T2 structure file

input_compound_id smiles
needs to be unique not empty

An example configuration and key file for standardization is provided in:


The configuration parameters used for standardization, fingerprints, activity data filtering must be set in a parameters.json file (see details here).
The given high entropy bits for LSH folding are derived from the ChEMBL25 compounds with fingerprint settings:

size: 32000
radius: 3
hashed: True  
binarized: True

It is possible to shuffle the bits of the fingerprints with an encryption key examplified by a trivial encryption key provided in example_key.json. This is not required in non privacy preserving and federated scenarios (--key and --ref_hash not needed).
The compound fold assignments is also dependent on the encryption key.
In case an encryption key is used, MELLODDY TUNER can perform double checks to ensure the validity of the used encryption configuration and make sure of consistency of the data preparation across the involved parties.
The "reference dataset" provided under unit_test/refeence_files/reference_set.csv is prepared using the input ecryption key. The prepared reference set is then hashed into a hash key which is compared to a reference hash key circulated across the parties.

Expected Output Files

Partners should run the pipeline with two datasets: (1) one without auxiliary data (using_auxiliary == no), (2) and one with auxiliary data (using_auxiliary == yes).
You should have two defined output directories and the matrices folder containing subfolder(s):

MELLODDY TUNER run matrices subfolder filename cls reg
wo_aux cls cls_T11_x.npz X
cls_T11_x_fold_vector.npy X
cls_T10_y.npz X
cls_weights.csv X
reg reg_T11_x.npz X
reg_T11_x_fold_vector.npy X
reg_T10_y.npy X
reg_T10_censor_y.npy X
reg_weights.csv X
hyb hyb_T11_x.npz X
hyb_T11_x_fold_vector.npy X
hyb_cls_T10_y.npz X
hyb_cls_weights.csv X
hyb_reg_T10_y.npy X
hyb_reg_T10_censor_y.npy X
hyb_reg_weights.csv X
w_aux clsaux clsaux_T11_x.npz X
clsaux_T11_x_fold_vector.npy X
clsaux_T10_y.npz X
clsaux_weights.csv X

1. Run Data Prepration Script

All steps can be executed with the commandline interface tool tunercli

The script allows the following commands:

standardize_smiles      # standardization of SMILES
calculate_descriptors  # calculate fingerprints
assign_fold         #  assign folds
assign_lsh_fold     # assign LSH-based folds
agg_activity_data   # aggregate values
apply_thresholding  # apply thresholding to classification data
filter_classification_data  # filter classification tasks
filter_regression_data  # filter regression tasks
make_matrices           # create sparse matrices from dataframes
make_folders_s3       # creates folder structure ready to upload to S3
prepare_4_training     # Run the full pipeline to process data for training
prepare_4_prediction    # Run the full pipeline to process data for prediction
prepare_structure_data # Run the structure preparation pipeline (only structure related steps)
prepare_activity_data # Run the activity data preparation pipeline (after prepare_structure_data, only activity data related steps)

NEW in Year 3: You execute all subcommands with a given run_parameters.json file instead of defining everything as arguments. The script will also automatically generate these json files when running the scripts with flags. For example:

tunercli prepare_4_training --run_parameters config/run_parameters/pipeline.json

Multiple run_parameter json files can be found in config/run_parameters/.

Each execution results in a run_report which is automatically generated in output_dir/run_name/<DATE>_subcommand_run_report.json. This report contains the run parameters, statistics about the preprocessing steps and information about passed/failed sanity checks.

All subcommands can be executed individually or in pipelines suited for training(prepare_4_training) or prediction (prepare_4_prediction) processing.


To standardize and prepare your input data and create ML-ready files, run the following command with arguments:\

1. path to your T2 structure file (--structure_file)
2. path to your T1 activity file (--activity_file)
3. path to your weight table T0 (--weight_table)
4. path to the config file (--conf_file)
5. path to the key file (--key_file)
6. path of the output directory, where all output files will be stored (--output_dir)
7. user-defined name of your current run (--run_name)
8. tag using_auxiliary to identify dataset without (no) or with auxiliary data (yes)
9. Folding method to assign test/validation/test splits. Choices: scaffold (must be used in year 2!) or lsh (year 1)
10. (Optional) Number of CPUs to use during the execution of the script (default: 1) (--number_cpu)
11. (Optional) JSON file with a reference hash key to ensure usage of the same paramters between different users. (--ref_hash)
12. (Optional) Non-interactive mode for cluster/server runs.(--non_interactive) \

As an example, you can prepare your data for training by executing tunercli prepare_4_training:

tunercli prepare_4_training 
--structure_file {path/to/your/structure_file_T2.csv}
--activity_file {/path/to/your/activity_data_file_T1.csv}
--weight_table {/path/to/your/weight_table_T0.csv}
--config_file {/path/to/the/distributed/parameters.json}
--key_file {/path/to/the/distributed/key.json}
--output_dir {path/to/the/output_directory}
--run_name {name of your current run}
--using_auxiliary {no or yes}
--folding_method {scaffold or lsh}
--number_cpu {number of CPUs to use}
--ref_hash {path/to/the/provided/ref_hash.json}

In the given output directory the script will create a folder with the name of the "run_name" and three subfolders:

path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/results_tmp       # contain intermediate results from standardization, descriptors and activity data formatting
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/results           # contain the final dataframe files with continuous IDs (T10c_cont, T10r_cont, T6_cont).
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/mapping_table     # contain relevant mapping tables
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/reference_set     # contain files for constistency check
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/wo_aux or w_aux/matrices          # contain sparse matrices and meta data files for SparseChem


For processing only the structure data (first step), you can run:

tunercli prepare_structure_data 
--structure_file {path/to/your/structure_file_T2.csv}
--activity_file {/path/to/your/activity_data_file_T1.csv}
--weight_table {/path/to/your/weight_table_T0.csv}
--config_file {/path/to/the/distributed/parameters.json}
--key_file {/path/to/the/distributed/key.json}
--output_dir {path/to/the/output_directory}
--run_name {name of your current run}
--using_auxiliary {no or yes}
--folding_method {scaffold or lsh}
--number_cpu {number of CPUs to use}
--ref_hash {path/to/the/provided/ref_hash.json}

This will process the input structures only and is required before you prepare your activity data.


For processing only the activity data (second step), you can run:

tunercli prepare_activity_data 
--mapping_table path/to/your/mapping_table/T5.csv
--T6_file path/to/your/mapping_table/T6.csv
--activity_files path/to/your/T1.csv
--weight_tables path/to/your/T0.csv
--catalog_file path/to/reference-file/T_cat.csv
--config_file {/path/to/the/distributed/parameters.json}
--key_file {/path/to/the/distributed/key.json}
--output_dir {path/to/the/output_directory}
--run_name {name of your current run}
--using_auxiliary {no or yes}
--number_cpu {number of CPUs to use}
--ref_hash {path/to/the/provided/ref_hash.json}

After executing both steps sequentially, you processed all your data ready for SparseChem.


For predicting new compounds with an already trained ML model, only a structure file (like T2.csv) has to be preprocessed.

To standardize and prepare your input data for prediction, run the following command with arguments:
1. path to your T2 structure file (--structure_file)
2. path to the config file (--config_file)
3. path to the key file (--key_file)
4. path of the output directory, where all output files will be stored (--output_dir)
5. user-defined name of your current run (--run_name)
6. (Optional) Number of CPUs to use during the execution of the script (default: 2) (--number_cpu)
7. (Optional) JSON file with a reference hash key to ensure usage of the same parameters between different users. (--ref_hash)
8. (Optional) Non-interactive mode for cluster/server runs. (--non_interactive)

For example, you can run:

tunercli prepare_4_prediction \

--structure_file {path/to/your/structure_file_T2.csv}\
--config_file {/path/to/the/distributed/parameters.json}\
--key_file {/path/to/the/distributed/key.json}\
--output_dir {path/to/the/output_directory}\
--run_name {name of your current run}\
--number_cpu {number of CPUs to use}\
--ref_hash {path/to/the/provided/ref_hash.json}\

In the given output directory the script will create a folder with the name of the "run_name" and three subfolders:

path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/results_tmp       # contain intermediate results from standardization, descriptors and activity data formatting
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/results           # contain the final dataframe files with continuous IDs (T10c_cont, T10r_cont, T6_cont).
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/mapping_table     # contain relevant mapping tables
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/reference_set     # contain files for constistency check
path/to/the/output_directory/run_name/matrices          # contain sparse matrices and meta data files for SparseChem

2 Individual scripts

The data processing includes several steps, which can be performed independently from each other.
For the following examples, these file paths need to be defined :

Input file paths definition

# configuration parameters (needs adjustement at your setup)
param=<path to data_prep/config/example_parameters.json>
key=<path to data_prep/config/example_key.json>
ref=<path to data_prep/unit_test/reference_files/ref_hash.json> 
outdir=<path to output folder>
run_name=<data prep run name>
num_cpu=<number of cpus for multi-threaded processes>

# melloddy tuner initial input files (needs adjustement at your setup)
t0=<path to initial T0.csv (assays)>
t1=<path to initial T1.csv (activities)>
t2=<path to initial T2.csv (smiles)>

# melloddy tuner intermediate files (these definition are static)
t2_std=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/standardization/T2_standardized.csv # standardized structures (output from standardize_smiles)
t2_desc=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/descriptors/T2_descriptors.csv     # descriptors of structures (output of calculate_descriptors)
t5=$outdir/$run_name/mapping_table/T5.csv                                # mapping table (input_compound_id->descriptor_vector_id->fold_id)
t4c=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/thresholding/T4c.csv                   # classification tasks activity labels (output of apply_thresholding)
t3c=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/thresholding/T3c.csv                   # classification tasks annotations (output of apply_thresholding)
t4r=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/aggregation/T4r.csv                    # regression tasks activity data (output of agg_activity_data)
t6=$outdir/$run_name/mapping_table/T6.csv                                # mapping table (descriptor_vector_id->fp_feat->fp_val->fold_id)
t8c=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/classification/T8c.csv                 # classification tasks annotations (includes continuous identifiers, class counts and perf aggr flags)
t8r=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/regression/T8r.csv                     # regression tasks annotations (includes continuous identifiers)
t10c=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/classification/T10c.csv               # classification tasks (continous task identifiers, descriptor vectors, fold assignment, class label)
t10r=$outdir/$run_name/results_tmp/regression/T10r.csv                   # regression tasks (continous task identifiers, descriptor vectors, fold assignment, activity, qualifier)

2.1 standardize_smiles

Script standardize_smiles takes the input smiles csv file and standardizes the smiles according to pre-defined rules.
Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli standardize_smiles  --structure_file $t2 \
                             --config_file $param \
                             --key_file $key \
                             --output_dir $outdir \
                             --run_name $run_name \
                             --number_cpu $num_cpu \
#                             --ref_hash $ref

Produces :

└── run_name
    └── results_tmp
        └── standardization
            ├── T2_standardized.csv
            └── T2_standardized.FAILED.csv

2.2 calculate_descriptors

Script calculate_descriptors calculates a descriptor based on the standardized smiles, and scramble features with given key. Use an input file containing standardized SMILES (canonical_smiles) and a fold id (fold_id). Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli calculate_descriptors --structure_file $t2_std \
                               --config_file $param \
                               --key_file $key \
                               --output_dir $outdir \
                               --run_name $run_name \
                               --number_cpu $num_cpu \
#                               --ref_hash $ref


└── run_name
    └── results_tmp
        └── descriptors
            ├── T2_descriptors.csv
            └── T2_descriptors.FAILED.csv

2.3.1 assign_fold with the scaffold-based split

Script assgin_fold assign fold identifiers by a scaffold-based approach using a input file with standardized SMILES (canonical_smiles as column name), and the descriptors (fp_feat and fp_val), i.e. results_tmp/descriptors/T2_descriptors.csv.
Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli assign_fold --structure_file $t2_desc \
                     --config_file $param \
                     --key_file $key \
                     --output_dir $outdir \
                     --run_name $run_name \
                     --number_cpu $num_cpu \
                     --non_interactive \
#                     --ref_hash $ref


└── run_name
    ├── mapping_table
    │   ├── T5.csv
    │   └── T6.csv
    └── results_tmp
        └── folding
            ├── T2_descriptor_vector_id.DUPLICATES.csv
            ├── T2_folds.csv
            └── T2_folds.FAILED.csv

2.3.2 assign_lsh_fold with Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)

Script assgin_fold assign fold identifiers by Locality Sensitive Hashing approach using a input file with standardized SMILES (canonical_smiles as column name), and the descriptors (fp_feat and fp_val), i.e. results_tmp/descriptors/T2_descriptors.csv.
Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli assign_lsh_fold --structure_file $t2_desc \
                         --config_file $param \
                         --key_file $key \
                         --output_dir $outdir \
                         --run_name $run_name \
                         --number_cpu $num_cpu \
                         --non_interactive \
#                         --ref_hash $ref

2.4 agg_activity_data

Script aggregate_values.py removes activity data that is outside of the credibility range as provided in the parameter file, standardizes qualifiers to {<,>,=} and aggregates replicates that appeared due to structure standardization. It creates table T4r and some additional files for logging data that is outside the credibility range or couldn't be aggregated based on T0, T1 and T5. Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

tunercli agg_activity_data --assay_file $t0 \
                           --activity_file $t1 \
                           --mapping_table $t5 \
                           --config_file $param \
                           --key_file $key \
                           --output_dir $outdir \
                           --run_name $run_name \
                           --number_cpu $num_cpu \
#                           --ref_has $ref \
#                           --reference_set $ref_set


├── aggregation.log
├── duplicates_T1.csv
├── failed_aggr_T1.csv
├── failed_range_T1.csv
├── failed_std_T1.csv
└── T4r.csv

2.5 apply_thresholding

Script apply_thresholding sets thresholdds for classification tasks without given expert thresholds. Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli apply_thresholding --activity_file $t4r \
                            --assay_file $t0 \
                            --config_file $param \
                            --key_file $key \
                            --output_dir $outdir \
                            --run_name $run_name \
                            --number_cpu $num_cpu \
#                            --ref_has $ref \
#                            --reference_set $ref_set


├── T3c.csv
├── T4c.csv
└── T4c.FAILED.csv

2.6 classification tasks filtering

Script filter_classification filters out classification assays based on the provided quorum and set weights for training. It produces the tables T10c and T8c. Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

tunercli filter_classification_data --classification_activity_file $t4c \
                                    --classification_weight_table $t3c \
                                    --config_file $param \
                                    --key_file $key \
                                    --output_dir $outdir \
                                    --run_name $run_name \
#                                    --ref_hash $ref 
#                                    --reference_set $ref_set


├── duplicates_T4c.csv
├── filtered_out_T4c.csv
├── T10c.csv
└── T8c.csv

2.7 regression tasks filtering

Script filter_regression filters out regression assays based on the provided quorum and set weights for training. It produces the tables T10r and T8r. Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

tunercli filter_regression_data --regression_activity_file $t4r \
                                --regression_weight_table $t0 \
                                --config_file $param \
                                --key_file $key \
                                --output_dir $outdir \
                                --run_name $run_name \
#                                --ref_hash $ref
#                                --reference_set $ref_set


├── duplicates_T4r.csv
├── filtered_out_T4r.csv
├── T10r.csv
└── T8r.csv

2.8 make_matrices

Script make_matrices formats the result csv files into ML ready matrix formats. Please refer to section "Input file paths definition" for details on the input files.

For example, you can run:

tunercli make_matrices  --structure_file $t6 \
                        --activity_file_clf $t10c \
                        --weight_table_clf $t8c \
                        --activity_file_reg $t10r \
                        --weight_table_reg $t8r \
                        --config_file $param \
                        --key_file $key \
                        --output_dir $outdir \
                        --run_name $run_name \
                        --using_auxiliary {no or yes} \
#                        --ref_hash $ref 

--using_auxiliary no is suitable to use when the tuner input files do not contain auxiliary data. The --using_auxiliary no will ensure the creation of the cls and reg subdirectories:

    ├── cls/
    │     ├── cls_T10_y.npz
    │     ├── cls_T11_fold_vector.npy
    │     ├── cls_T11_x.npz
    │     └── cls_weights.csv    
    ├── reg/
    │     ├── reg_T10_censor_y.npz
    │     ├── reg_T10_y.npz
    │     ├── reg_T11_fold_vector.npy
    │     ├── reg_T11_x.npz
    │     └── reg_weights.csv    
    └── hyb/
          ├── hyb_cls_T10_y.npz
          ├── hyb_T11_x.npz
          ├── hyb_T11_fold_vector.npy
          ├── hyb_cls_weights.csv
          ├── hyb_reg_T10_censor_y.npz
          ├── hyb_reg_T10_y.npz
          └── hyb_reg_weights.csv

├── T10c_cont.csv
├── T10r_cont.csv
└── T6_cont.csv

Or produces for data with aux. data (--using_auxiliary yes):

    ├── clsaux/
       ├── clsaux_T10_y.npz
       ├── clsaux_T11_fold_vector.npy
       ├── clsaux_T11_x.npz
       └── clsaux_weights.csv    

├── T10c_cont.csv
├── T10r_cont.csv
└── T6_cont.csv

2.9 make_folders_s3

Script make_folders_s3 creates the required folders for S3 bucket.

For example, you can run:

tunercli make_folders_s3  --config_file $param \
                        --key_file $key \
                        --output_dir $outdir \
                        --run_name $run_name \
                        --using_auxiliary {no or yes} \
#                        --ref_hash $ref 

--using_auxiliary no is suitable to use when the tuner input files do not contain auxiliary data (cls, reg and hyb are considered). Or produces for data with auxiliary data (--using_auxiliary yes) to create clsaux subfolders.

Parameter definitions

This section describes the parameters to be used to prepare a dataset with MELLODDY TUNER examplified in config/example_parameters.json:


  • max_num_tautomers: maximum number of enumerated tautomers.
  • max_num_atoms: maximum number of (heavy) atoms allowed.
  • include_stereoinfo: (true or fasle) defines if stereochemistry shoudl be considered during the standardization process.


  • radius: Morgan fingerprint radius
  • hashed: true or false leads to use of rdkit GetHashedMorganFingerprint or GetMorganFingerprint respectively
  • fold_size: number of bits in the fingerprint
  • binarized: (true or false), false indicating the fingerprint should be counts rather than binary bits (not supported yet)


  • nfolds: if scaffold based dataset split in use, defines the number of folds the dataset will be split in.


Defines the standard_value (activity data points) credibility ranges per input_assay_id, values falling outside will be discarded. Ranges are defined per assay_type category.

  • min: minimum allowed value
  • max: maximum allowed value
  • std: minimum allowed standard deviation allowed across the (uncensored) standard_values of an input_assay_id. An assay with lower stdand deviation will be discarded.


Defines the minimum amount of data that is required for a task to take place in the prepared dataset, hence to participate in the model training.
Quorums are defined per assay_type category and per modelling type (regression or classification).


  • num_total: minumum number of data points an assay requires to become a task in the prepared dataset (including censored data points, i.e. data points associated to <, > standard_relation)
  • num_uncensored_total: minimum number of data points an assay requires to become a task in the prepared dataset (data points associated to = standard_relation only)


  • num_active_total: minimum number of positive samples a classifiation task requires to make it to the prepared dataset
  • num_inactive_total: minimum number of negative samples a classification task requires to make it to the prepared dataset


Defines the minimum amount of data that is required for a task to be given an aggregation_weight=1 (see sparsechem task weights), hence to contribute to the aggregate performance calculation.
Quorums are defined per assay_type category and per modelling type (regression or classification) and must be valid in each of the fold splits.


  • num_fold_min: minimum number of data points across all the fold splits (ensures each fold split has at least this amound of data points, data points associated to =, < or > standard_relation)
  • num_uncensored_fold_min : minimum number of uncensored data points (data points associated to = standard_relation only)


  • num_active_fold_min: minimum number of positive samples across all the fold splits
  • num_inactive_fold_min: minimuym number of negatives samples across all the fold splits


Defines the initial tasks training weights (see sparsechem task weights) per assay_type category


Defines global thresholds for assay_types to be applied to devise classification tasks (other tasks have either user defined expert_thresholds set in T0 or will be attributed a threshold automatically, see step 2.5 apply_thresholding).


  • knock_in_barrier: in regression models censored data points (i.e. data points associated to < or > standard_relation ) can be downweighted to reduce their contributions to the loss function of sparsechem (see sparsechem regression task weights). The downweighting kicks-in if the fraction of censored data of a task is higher than the knock_in_barrier


  • count_data_points: Year 1 parameter


  • nfolds: if LSH data split in use, defines the number of folds the dataset will be split in.
  • bits: list of high entropy bits keys to be used for fold assignment by the LSH split methodology. This list is specific to a fingerprint type. e.g. the list provided in the example_parameter.json file was built from a public data set of compounds as described by their Morgan binary hashed (length 32k) fingerprints. Not suitable if LSH to be used with a different fingerprint definition than that in the config/example_pararameters.json file.