INM432 - Coursework 2 - Machine Learning in the Cloud

File Description

Brief description of all the files used.


Folder containing original and processed coastline dataset along with the scripts used for dataset preparation. dict.txt/labeled_images.csv/dict_explanation.csv: Original files downloaded from google cloud sample public bucket gs://tamucc_coastline/ Bash script that issues gcloud commands to download the original coastline files Python script used for splitting the original dataset into train/test sets tamucc_train.csv/tamucc_test.csv: Train/Test sets used in the study. Obtained by running with labeled_images.csv


Folder containing original scripts from Google Cloud flowers sample. Obtained from Google Cloud's ML-Samples Github repository.

Root folder

Scripts used for running the pipeline with the coastline dataset. In general, they represent excerpts from the bash script provided in flowers-sample, with some changes to account for the different dataset and multiple tests ran. Bash scripts were also wrapped in python scripts for easier manipulation. Exports to shell environment constants containing configuration data for the experiment. Examples are gcloud project name, dataset bucket URI, etc. Used to expose as python constants the environment constants set by Submits preprocessing tasks to Google Cloud for preprocessing both train and eval(test) sets. Submits training tasks to Google Cloud with multiple preset cluster configurations to evaluate its effects in terms of training speed and accuracy. Submits training tasks to Google Cloud with multiple 16 vCPU machine configurations to assess the effects of cpu to memory ratio in single machine training speed and accuracy. Submits training tasks to Google Cloud with different values for dropout ratio to assess the effects of dropout in accuracy.