
🐦 // A Twitter clone written in Rust with Vue3

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

🐦 Kitter

Kitter is a twitter like website written with Rust

Service Description
backend The Rust backend
frontend The Vue frontend

A few concepts/words we use to describe parts of the application:

  • Hearts
    • Hearts are what we call likes


Kitter uses Docker to deploy. This makes Kitter easier to deploy as it's one command for all services.

Make sure you have Git, Docker and Docker Compose installed.

# Clone the Kitter repo
$ git clone https://github.com/Domterion/kitter.git

# Go into the kitter directory
$ cd kitter

# Make the config and modify the keys
$ cp ./backend/config.toml.example ./backend/config.toml

# We need a prod_config.toml for deployment. Change the keys in here if need be
$ cp ./backend/config.toml ./backend/prod_config.toml

# Run the docker container, this will download, build and start all services
$ docker-compose up

You should now be able to visit http://localhost/ and see Kitter!


The base API route is /api

The data should be valid JSON and valid JSON will be returned.

The api is secured with the Authorization header. You will need a token to use the API.





Example request using curl

Routes for posts

The routes used to manage posts

These are prefixed with /post

[POST] /add

Adds a new post

! content       : string    : the content of the post. this must be less than 512 characters.
? id            : integer   : the id of the post
? author        : string    : the author of the post
? author_id     : integer   : the id of the poster
? content       : string    : the content of the post
? hearts        : integer   : the amount of hearts or "likes"
? hearted_users : integer[] : the users that hearted this post
? timestamp     : string    : the timestamp of when posted

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"content": "owo"}' \

[POST] /posts

Gets all posts and optionally a limited or offset amount

! offset        : integer   : how many rows should be skipped, used for paging
! limit         : integer   : how many rows should be returned
? id            : integer   : the id of the post
? author        : string    : the author of the post
? author_id     : integer   : the id of the poster
? content       : string    : the content of the post
? hearts        : integer   : the amount of hearts or "likes"
? hearted_users : integer[] : the users that hearted this post
? timestamp     : string    : the timestamp of when posted

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"
  --request POST \

[POST] /heart

Toggles the heart status on a post for a user

! id            : integer   : the id of the post to be hearted
? id            : integer   : the id of the post
? author        : string    : the author of the post
? author_id     : integer   : the id of the poster
? content       : string    : the content of the post
? hearts        : integer   : the amount of hearts or "likes"
? hearted_users : integer[] : the users that hearted this post
? timestamp     : string    : the timestamp of when posted

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"
  --request POST \
  --data '{"id": 1}' \

[DELETE] /delete

Deletes a post

! id      : integer  : the id of the post to be deleted
? id      : integer : the id of the post

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"
  --request DELETE \
  --data '{"id": 1}' \

Routes for users

The routes used to manage users

These are prefixed with /user


Usernames must be between 3 and 32 characters. They can contain 1-9, a-Z, . and \_. They must start with a-Z.

Password must be atleast 8 characters with an uppercase, lowercase and number. Special characters are allowed.

Emails must be a valid email.

[POST] /register

Register a new user

! username  : string  : the username of the user, must meet requirements listed above
! email     : string  : the email of the user
! password  : string  : the password of the user, must meet requirements listed above
? id        : integer : the id of the user
? username  : string  : the username of the user
? email     : string  : the email of the user
? password  : string  : the password of the user
? timestamp : string  : the timestamp of creation

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"username": "domterion", "email": "dominic@domm.me", "password": "eI*y0K9UBIUjjWh*j@eIGgHL"}' \

[POST] /login

Log a user in

! username  : string  : the username of the user
! password  : string  : the password of the user
? token     : string  : the JWT, this is used in authentication for the api
? type      : string  : the type of the token, usually bearer

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"username": "domterion", "password": "eI*y0K9UBIUjjWh*j@eIGgHL"}' \

[GET] /me

Get information about the user

? id        : integer : the id of the user
? username  : string  : the username of the user
? email     : string  : the email of the user
? password  : string  : the password of the user. this will be blank and yes its on purpose.
? timestamp : string  : the timestamp of creation

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"
  --request GET \


Do not insert from the PSQL CLI unless the timezone is set to UTC. This will cause problems if it isn't UTC such as improper times.
