
Template for generating your own mycaddie metadata repo

Primary LanguageCSS

Build Status

My BioCaddie

Describe your data here

To see instructions, go to: https://biodatasets.github.io/mybiocaddie/

(remember the trailing slash)

Jekyll template adapted from: https://github.com/Gaohaoyang/gaohaoyang.github.io/*

Tracking this repo

The repo at biodatasets/mybiocaddie is designed to be forked and customized.

Occasionally there will be source changes in HTML layout etc. You can track these as follows.

First do a one time command in your forked repo, once cloned:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:biodatasets/mybiocaddie

Then any time you want to bring in the latest:

git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/gh-pages

It is probably best if you do NOT try anything in the reverse direction. If you want to see changes file a ticket directly on biodatasets/mybiocaddie

