Management System

Primary LanguagePython

Regional Module processing software

A Regional Module data management system created using Python and SQLite. Using the simply designed graphical user interface(GUI) RM_GUI.py, users are able to:

  • import filled Excel questionnaires to the SQLite database;
  • export country specific data points and complete questionnaire tables back to Excel;
  • modify and clean the data in Excel and re-import then back in the SQLite database;
  • create different copies of country specific data, one to hold the original data, one for cleaning and one for dissemination.
  • calculate specific data indicators.

For more information see the complete User Manual.

Installation (on windows)

Required packages:

  • Python >=3.4.
  • xlsxWriter version 0.7.3.
  • xlrd version 0.9.4. However xlrd has some issues in processing comments. A fix patch is submitted to the maintainer, but has not been integrated yet. Therefore, until the patch is integrated please use the xlrd 0.9.4 version in the following GitHub repo.

All those packages could be installed using PIP. On Windows PIP is bundled with Python, if not, install it by downloading get-pip.py and running the following command in the terminal where get-pip.py exist. (for more details see this)

python get-pip.py

Once PIP is installed run the following in your terminal to install all required packages.

pip install xlsxwriter
pip install https://github.com/melmasri/xlrd/archive/master.zip

Installation of the main package

Two installation options are available:

  • Downloading: download and extract the following zip file..
  • Git cloning: in your terminal run git clone https://github.com/melmasri/RMS

Move the downloaded/cloned folder to your desired destination and then create a shortcut to RM_GUI.py.

To start double-click on the RM_GUI.py shortcut and the GUI should pop-up.

For more details refer to

  • A complete User Manual in HTML format.
  • A complete User Manual in git markdown format.
  • Python [help files](Documentation/Python help/).

Issues and extra features 1

Report issues and suggest features and improvements on the GitHub issue tracker.

1: The addition of new features are at the developers discretion.

Folder tree

|-- Database
|   |-- Inserted data
|   |   |-- ADM_table.csv
|   |   |-- All AC CODES.csv
|   |   |-- Country.csv
|   |   |-- EDU_INDICATOR_AID.csv
|   |   |-- EDU_INDICATOR_AID_full.xlsx
|   |   |-- EDU_METER_AID(data).csv
|   |   |-- Magnitude(data).csv
|   |   |-- NEW AC CODES inserted in EDU_METER_AID.csv
|   |   |-- Qualifier.csv
|   |   |-- RM_Mapping.csv
|   |   `-- RM_Mapping_NonNumeric.csv
|   |-- create_database.bat
|   |-- create_tables.sql
|   |-- insert_data.sql
|   |-- insert_indic_labels.sql
|   |-- library.sql
|   |-- main.sql
|   |-- migration_to_DB_with_indic.sql
|   |-- Prod.db
|   `-- README.md
|-- Documentation
|   |-- css
|   |-- img
|   |-- Python help
|   |   |-- rmExcelWriter.html
|   |   |-- rmfunctions.html
|   |   |-- RM_GUI.html
|   |   |-- rmindicators.html
|   |   `-- rmsqlfunctions.html
|   |-- README.md
|   |-- user-manual.html
|   |-- user-manual.org
|   |-- user-manual.pdf
|   `-- user-manual.tex
|-- Export
|   `-- README.md
|-- Import
|   `-- README.md
|-- Libraries
|   |-- algebra-div.csv
|   |-- algebra-prod.csv
|   |-- algebra-sum.csv
|   |-- Pip install.md
|   |-- README.md
|   |-- rmExcelWriter.py
|   |-- rmfunctions.py
|   |-- rmindicators.py
|   |-- rmquestionnaire.py
|   |-- rmsqlfunctions.py
|   `-- variables_for_preprocessing.json
|-- Log
|   `-- README.md
|-- README.md
`-- RM_GUI.py

10 directories, 46 files