
Example web app in Pure Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Contacts.app in THyMe

This repository demonstrates a modern-feeling web application in pure Golang using the ultra-minimal "THyMe" stack, (Templ, HTMX, Minimux), with no custom JavaScript.

In addition to the application itself, it also demonstrates UI integration tests using Ginkgo and Biloba).

This application is more-or-less 1-to-1 with the example application from the book Hypermedia Systems, (though currently incomplete) and the original Python version can be found here.


This project expects a Go environment to be installed and set up, along with a basic POSIX environment. All other tools be will installed by the build system as needed.


make run
# Or
make bin/app
bin/app [-addr localhost:8080] [-db db.json]


make test

Repository Contents

  • model/model.go - Contact data model and fake database interface
  • routes/routes.go - Constants and functions for building page paths
  • templates/*.templ - Page and sub-page templates
  • static/ - Static site data
  • app.go - Entrypoint
  • contacts_app_thyme_suite_test.go, app_test.go - Browser tests
  • Makefile, make-env.yaml, make-env.Makefile - Build/Dependency management