
For a ridiculous, impractical challenge.

Primary LanguagePython


For a ridiculous, impractical challenge.


Run the module (init.py). Type in the name of your python file, excluding its extension. For example, if the filename is i_love_to_code.py, then you would type in 'i_love_to_code'.

To view the converted file, it can be found in the directory of this cloned respository.


This converter lacks a lot of features, such as for-loop, while-loop, case-of, etc.

As of now, it is able to convert inputs, assignments, if-statement (however, it cannot deal with bracketed conditions), type-conversions and prints...

The basis for code has been built, with more time, the rest of the features can probably be delivered.

The goal was not to create something that functions on common cases, but rather, something that functions on every case, hence why regex was so heavily dependent on. However, the cost of that is the lost of key functions in a pseudocode converter.

But this is overall a fun learning experience.

Plans for this

If possible, this will be open-sourced to public. But due to the ridiculous nature of it, I doubt many people will find use for it.