
Supabase datasource plugin for Budibase

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Perform CRUD operations in Supabase


  • Insert (Create)
  • Select (Read)
  • Upsert
  • Update
  • Delete

Official docs here: https://supabase.com/docs/reference/javascript/select



Provide a URL and API Key to connect:

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These can be found within your project page in Supabase:

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Click on the settings cog along the left-hand side:

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Finally click on API to see the project URL and project API keys:

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When pulling data from a table you must provide the name of the table, but also the names of the columns that you want to return.

To return all columns simply enter *.

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 12 18 35

Note that we are returning data.data in the transformer. You can return just data if you need access to the status code and message.


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If you provide a Filter column then a filter will be applied based on the chosen operator and comparison value. There is a large list of available operators, detailed for which can be found here.

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Like any other custom query, you can add bindings and use them in the Fields section: https://docs.budibase.com/docs/data-sources#using-query-bindings