
For the poor souls taking CS2

Primary LanguageC++


For reference and all

Information from these Assignments

As a paymaster for Badwater Brewery, you are asked to determine the gross pay of each employee based on the following information

  1. Part 1 Bank Account Class - Design, Coding, Testing and Use

Class BankAccont models a customer account in a bank.

  1. Part 2 Bank Account Class - Design, Coding, Testing and Use

In assignment two part 1 you designed, coded, and tested the Bank Account class, which can model a simples savings, type account in a bank. We use that class in this project where we actually simulate a bank where there will be accounts by many people.

  1. Operator Overloading(Operator Polymorphism) Using Fraction Class

Preparation work

Write and test stand-alone function called GreatestCommonDenominator, which takes two int data as arguments and returns their greatest common denominator using Euclid's algorithm.

Design the program for the user

This requires making program as user friendly as possible. Also understand that client can give you their requirement only the way they see it. Client is not obligated to give you the perfect description of their requirement that would necessarily make your job the easiest.

  1. Inheritance from Abstract Classes

In enterprise level software produces, code re-use, and code maintainability are key factors to keep the orignal software cost, and maintenance costs low. Both these objectives are in part achievable by using parts of existing code.

  1. Evaluation of Infix and Postfix Expressions

In Mathematics, the postfix form is used for evaluation of expressions and their magnitudes. As you know that in infix expressions the binary operators, such as +,-,* and / are placed between two operands.

  1. Palindrome Use of Stack and Queue

The purpose of this assignment is to use a stack and queue class designed to store character data type and determine whether the inputted string is a word palindrome or not.

  1. Writing and Testing a Self-Growing Stack Class Using Pointer and Dynamic Memory Allocation

In this program you will modify my stack class to alter and add the required functions to fulfill following goals.