
Azure Service Operator allows you to create Azure resources using kubectl

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Service Operator (for Kubernetes)

Build Status

This project is experimental. The API is expected to change (while adhering to semantic versioning). Alpha and Beta resources are generally not recommended for production environments.

The Azure Service Operator helps you provision Azure resources and connect your applications to them from within Kubernetes.


The Azure Service Operator comprises of:

  • The Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for each of the Azure services a Kubernetes user can provision.
  • The Kubernetes controller that watches for requests to create Custom Resources for each of these CRDs and creates them.

The project was built using Kubebuilder.

For more details on the control flow of the Azure Service operator, refer to Azure Service Operator control flow

Supported Azure Services


Deploying ASO

Do you want to quickly deploy the latest version of Azure Service Operator on your Kubernetes cluster and start exploring? Follow these steps.

  1. Make sure kubectl is configured to connect to the Kubernetes cluster you want to deploy Azure Service Operators to.

    To connect to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster, you can use the below command:

    az aks get-credentials -g <AKSClusterResourceGroup> -n <AKSClusterName>
  2. Install cert-manager on the cluster using the following commands.

    kubectl create namespace cert-manager
    kubectl label namespace cert-manager cert-manager.io/disable-validation=true
    kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.12.0/cert-manager.yaml

    Wait for the cert-manager deployment to complete. You can use the below command to check for this.

    kubectl rollout status -n cert-manager deploy/cert-manager-webhook
  3. Download the latest Helm chart for Azure Service Operators locally to your machine. Run the following commands.

    mkdir install-aso
    cd install-aso

    Pull and export the helm chart.

    helm chart pull mcr.microsoft.com/k8s/asohelmchart:latest
    helm chart export mcr.microsoft.com/k8s/asohelmchart:latest --destination .
  4. Install the Azure Service Operator on your cluster using the following helm install command.

    Note that the ServicePrincipal you pass to the command below needs to have access to create resources in your subscription.

    helm install aso ./azure-service-operator \
        --set azureSubscriptionID=$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
        --set azureTenantID=$AZURE_TENANT_ID \
        --set azureClientID=$AZURE_CLIENT_ID \
        --set azureClientSecret=$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET \
        --set createNamespace=true \
        --set image.repository="mcr.microsoft.com/k8s/azure-service-operator:latest"

You should now see the Azure service operator pods running in your cluster.

kubectl get pods -n azureoperator-system

Getting started

This project maintains releases of the Azure Service Operator that you can deploy via a configurable Helm chart.

For detailed instructions on getting started, check out our How-to Guide.

Please see the FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions about the Azure Service Operator.


The contribution guide covers everything you need to know about how you can contribute to Azure Service Operators. The developer guide will help you onboard as a developer.


Azure Service Operator is an open source project that is not covered by the Microsoft Azure support policy. Please search open issues here. If your issue isn't already represented, please open a new one. The Azure Service Operator project maintainers will respond to the best of their abilities.

Code of conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.