
Tiny Spotify client for node.js exposing some useful methods to get your latest Spotify status

Primary LanguageTypeScript


GitHub Workflow Status (branch) npm

A simple node wrapper around the Spotify web api that exposes some useful methods like easily getting your currently playing track, last played track or both.

I have been using a rough version of this lib in my portfolio's spotify widget from the very begining, so finally decided to turn it into a proper npm module.


yarn add spotify-mini


import { SpotifyClient } from 'spotify-mini';

const spotify = new SpotifyClient({

// Get the currently playing track,(if there is no track playing, it will return null)
const currentlyPlayingTrack = await spotify.getCurrentlyPlaying();
    isPlaying: true,
    title: '<track title>',
    artist: '<artist name>',
    album: '<album name>',

// Get the last played track
const lastPlayedTrack = await spotify.getLastPlayed();
      title: '<track title>',
      artist: '<artist name>',
      album: '<album name>',

// To get a specific number of the recently played songs, just pass it to the method (1 < n < 50), default is 1
const recentTracks = await spotify.getLastPlayed(2)
      title: '<track title>',
      artist: '<artist name>',
      album: '<album name>',
      title: '<track title>',
      artist: '<artist name>',
      album: '<album name>',

// // If there is no track playing, this will return the last played song, to prevent this feature pass `fallbackToLastPlayed: false`
const currentTrack = await spotify.getCurrentlyPlaying({
  fallbackToLastPlayed: true
    isPlaying: false,
    title: '<track title>',
    artist: '<artist name>',
    album: '<album name>',



The exported class that needs to be instanciated to interact with the exposed APIs.


Returns your currently playing track, if none returns null.

fallbackToLastPlayed: (default: false) If true, it will return the last played track if there is no currently playing track


Returns your last played track. But can be used to get a list of your recently played tracks; accepts an optional integer as argument to get your desired number of recently played tracks. (default: 1) (limit is 1<n<50 )


Fork this repo and run

yarn install


npm install

Once the required packages are installed, create a .env file with the properties of .env.example. To run the tests, you will need to generate a refresh_token with the minium of the following spotify api scopes: user-read-currently-playing, user-read-recently-played.


MIT Rocktim Saikia © 2022