
Artifact for ICFP 2024 paper: Double-Ended Bit-Stealing for Algebraic Datatypes

Primary LanguageStandard MLMIT LicenseMIT

ICFP 2024 Artifact

Name: Double-Ended Bit-Stealing for Algebraic Data Types

Artifact Instructions

This artifact aims at replicating the results reported in the ICFP 2024 paper Double-Ended Bit-Stealing for Algebraic Data Types.

The artifact comes in two versions, a file debs-icfp24.tgz containing the sources of the artifact (along with this README.md file) and a QEMU image (debs-icfp24-image.tar.xz) containing the sources and with all dependencies installed. The QEMU image is set up to start with 12GB of RAM (modification in start.sh) and works best under an x86_64 host architecture.

The sources in the file debs-icfp24.tgz appear unpacked in the QEMU image in the folder /home/artifact/debs-icfp24. For detailed instructions on how to install QEMU, please consult the section "QEMU Instructions" below. To launch the QEMU image, download the file debs-icfp24-image.tar.xz and execute the following commands:

$ tar xf debs-icfp24-image.tar.xz
$ cd debs-icfp24-image
$ ./start.sh -smp 2

Installed Dependencies

The ICFP 2024 base QEMU image has been extended as follows:

  • Debian packages: cmake make libgmp-dev time automake build-essential

  • Standard ML compilers: MLton 20210117 (installed in /home/artifact/mlton), SML/NJ 110.99.4 (installed in /home/artifact/smlnj), MLKit 4.7.11 (installed in /home/artifact/mlkit).

  • The file /home/artifact/.profile has been augmented to extend the PATH environment variable to include the paths to the binaries of the above Standard ML compilers and tools.

  • The artifact file debs-icfp24.tgz has been unpacked in the folder /home/artifact/debs-icfp24.

Getting Started

We now assume that you have started the QEMU VM image as described above and have logged into the system using the command (password is password)

$ ssh -p 5555 artifact@localhost

This command will put you into a shell inside a directory containing the experimental infrastructure (you may also just login using the terminal window openend by QEMU). For compiling some necessary infrastructure tools, execute the following commands:

$ cd /home/artifact/debs-icfp24
$ make prepare

These commands should take less than a minute to run.

List of Claims

The artifact establishes the following main claims mentioned in the paper:

  1. The MLKit implementation of double-ended bit-stealing makes unboxing decisions as reported in the paper. These claims can be established by compiling a series of examples in the debs-icfp24/demo folder:

    $ cd /home/artifact/debs-icfp24/demo
    $ make clean && make all

    The commands will report on the unboxing decisions for the examples exp, single, patricia, uf, stream, and opt (also the expected unboxing decisions are shown) and will take less than a minute to execute.

    As a side note, source files are given to the MLKit compiler (i.e., the mlkit executable) either as a single source file or as an mlb-file describing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of source code files. The MLKit compiler also accepts a series of flags, which can be printed using mlkit --help:

    $ mlkit --version
  2. The effect of double-ended bit-stealing, as implemented in the MLKit compiler, is close to that reported in Figure 8 (running times) and Figure 9 (memory usage) of the paper. To generate textual formats of the two figures, execute the following commands (running the benchmarks should take less than an hour):

    $ cd /home/artifact/debs-icfp24/src
    $ make clean && make all
    $ make minitpress
    $ make minimpress

    For Figure 8 (make minitpress), the column MLKit corresponds to real # rg-cr, the column MLKit^dagger corresponds to real # rg-nhpt-cr, and MLKit^R corresponds to real # r-cr. Notice, in particular, time improvements (real # rg-cr compared to real # rg-nhpt-cr) for the benchmarks calc, logic, patricia, and uf.

    For Figure 9 (make minimpress), again, the column MLKit corresponds to real # rg-cr, the column MLKit^dagger corresponds to real # rg-nhpt-cr, and MLKit^R corresponds to real # r-cr. In general, for all benchmarks, memory usage (maximum resident set size) for the real # rg-cr column should not exceed memory usage for the real # rg-nhpt-cr column.

  3. Double-ended bit-stealing as implemented in the MLKit compiler has a positive effect on the execution time for compiling the MLKit itself and the MLton compiler, as reported in Figure 10 of the paper. A textual format of Figure 10 can be generated with the following commands, which may take several hours to execute:

    $ cd /home/artifact/debs-icfp24/boot
    $ make all
    $ make times_report

    The commands compile MLKit and MLton several times, respectively. In the textual figure generated with make times_report, the columns MLKitNew corresponds to MLKit in Figure 10 and MLKitOld corresponds to MLKit^dagger in Figure 10.

    The generated table should show improvements for both running time and memory usage, both with respect to compiling MLKit and with respect to compiling MLton.

  4. Boxities reported when compiling the MLKit sources and the MLton sources are (precisely) as reported in Figure 11. A textual format of the figure can be generated with the following command, provided step 3 has been executed:

    $ cd /home/artifact/debs-icfp24/boot
    $ make boxity_report

QEMU Instructions

The ICFP 2024 Artifact Evaluation Process is using a Debian QEMU image as a base for artifacts. The Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) will verify that this image works on their own machines before distributing it to authors. Authors are encouraged to extend the provided image instead of creating their own. If it is not practical for authors to use the provided image then please contact the AEC co-chairs before submission.

QEMU is a hosted virtual machine monitor that can emulate a host processor via dynamic binary translation. On common host platforms QEMU can also use a host provided virtualization layer, which is faster than dynamic binary translation.

QEMU homepage: https://www.qemu.org/



brew install qemu

Debian and Ubuntu Linux

apt-get install qemu-kvm

On x86 laptops and server machines you may need to enable the "Intel Virtualization Technology" setting in your BIOS, as some manufacturers leave this disabled by default. See Debugging.md for details.

Arch Linux

pacman -Sy qemu

See the Arch wiki for more info.

See Debugging.md if you have problems logging into the artifact via SSH.

Windows 10

Download and install QEMU via the links at


Ensure that qemu-system-x86_64.exe is in your path.

Start Bar -> Search -> "Windows Features" -> enable "Hyper-V" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform".

Restart your computer.

Windows 8

See Debugging.md for Windows 8 install instructions.


The artifact provides a start.sh script to start the VM on unix-like systems and start.bat for Windows. Running this script will open a graphical console on the host machine, and create a virtualized network interface. On Linux you may need to run with sudo to start the VM. If the VM does not start then check Debugging.md

Once the VM has started you can login to the guest system from the host. Whenever you are asked for a password, the answer is password. The default username is artifact.

$ ssh -p 5555 artifact@localhost

You can also copy files to and from the host using scp.

$ scp -P 5555 artifact@localhost:somefile .


To shutdown the guest system cleanly, login to it via ssh and use

$ sudo shutdown now


See Debugging.md for advice on resolving potential problems.


This section describes every sub-directory and nontrivial file of /home/artifact/debs-icfp24/ and their purpose.

  • demo/: The demo programs and a Makefile containing targets for compiling and executing the programs with MLKit.

  • mlkit-bench/: Programs for running benchmarks and for displaying tables (based on produced json-files).

  • src/: The benchmark programs reside in this folder together with a Makefile used for executing the benchmarks and for showing result tables.

  • boot: Machinery for measuring compile time and memory usage for compiling MLKit and MLton with different configurations of MLKit (with and without double-ended bit-stealing).

  • Makefile: The commands executed when running make. You can extract the commands if you need to run them out of order.

  • LICENSE: License for the artifact source code. Notice that embedded sources for the MLKit and MLton are distributed under the licenses located in the folders mlkit-src and mlton-src, respectively.

  • mlkit_src: Source code for the MLKit.

  • mlton_src: Source code for the MLton compiler, modified to compile efficiently with MLKit's recompilation management (some toplevel build-functors have been converted into structures).

  • Dockerfile: A file that documents how to extend a basic Debian distribution with installed versions of MLton, SML/NJ, and MLKit.

MLKit Source Code Overview

The source code for the MLKit compiler is Standard ML and the runtime system (target code is x86_64 machine code) is written primarily in C. There is almost full support for the Standard ML Basis Library.

As mentioned above, the source code is available in the folder debs-icfp24/mlkit-src (version 4.7.11). Below, we will briefly describe the major source code components that contribute to double-ended bit-stealing in MLKit:

  • src/Compiler/Lambda/CompileDec.sml: The inference algorithm that determines boxities for algebraic data types appears in this file (the main function is unbox_datbinds). Decisions about boxities are recorded directly in type names associated with the algebraic data types. This file is responsible for the compilation of the AST-representation of Standard ML programs into a typed intermediate language (LAMBDA_EXP).

  • src/Compiler/Regions: After LAMBDA_EXP (and a series of optimisations), programs are compiled into explicit region-annotated terms (the language REGION_EXP). This translation is the process of region inference, a typed- and effect-based transformation. Region-annotated algebraic data types are compiled from their non-region annotated counterparts using information about boxities in the type names associated with the algebraic data types (file src/Compiler/Regions/RType.sml). Moreover, in REGION_EXP, constructors associated with unboxed types (unary and nullary) are not associated with regions.

  • src/Compiler/Backend/X64/CodeGenX64.sml: For generating code for switches (simple pattern matches) and for constructing and deconstructing constructed values, the implementation takes into account the boxity of the relevant algebraic data type.

  • src/Runtime/GC.c: For reference-tracing garbage collection, the garbage collector needs to untag unboxed tagged values appropriately and, in particular, deal correctly with double-ended bit-stealing.