Project needs the environment for Anaconda and with Python 3.8 to run.
All configs you can import from environment.yml
This app that can separate accompaniment stems using
Spleeter by deezer
from music .wav
audiofile and then algorithmically recognize
simple chords (major and minor triads).
You need .wav
upload audiofile to the app, and it will try to recognize chords in it.
After Open...
button is clicked the program will recognize simple chords.
Also you can see pitch class profiles during the time by clicking
Show chromogram...
You can separate audio by stems and
use accompaniment, piano, accompaniment without drums and bass
by choosing an option and clicking Put stems into...
First stems separation will take some time. App needs time to download pretrained models.
- If you are interested in algorythm you should consider exploring this project:
- For better understanding of the topic you should read: "Design and Evaluation of a Simple Chord Detection Algorithm" by Christoph Hausner: