
A post-build plugin that sends the build status to a Discord channel.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Notifier

Discord Notifier provides a bridge between Jenkins and Discord through the built-in webhook functionality.

The purpose

The Jenkins Discord Webhook plugin was made to share results of a build to a Discord channel using the webhooks that Discord provides.

Through this plugin you are able to:

  • Get success and fail messages about your build
  • Link to build artifacts
  • List SCM changes to the build
  • Only send notifications on state change


You'll have to manually install the plugin via the advanced tab of your plugin settings. A Jenkins plugin repo build will be available soon.

Manual Installation using Eclipse for Windows

  • Download and install Java 8 SDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html

  • Install Eclipse IDE for Web developers

  • Download and install m2e (Maven) from http://www.eclipse.org/m2e/

  • In any File Explorer window, Right click This PC > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System variables > New and add "JAVA_HOME" with path to JDK, default should lok like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 > OK > OK > OK

  • In Eclipse, Window > Prefs > Java > JREs > Edit > change to the C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181

  • Create new web project > name it > provide the url of the git

  • Right-click pom.xml in the project > Run as... > Maven build.... "package"

  • It should build to success in a project subfolder called target. If not, google the error. File should be jenkins-discord.hpi

  • In Jenkins, Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced > Upload Plugin > Choose file and browse to the hpi file, then click Upload.

  • In a Project under Post-build Actions select Discord Notifier and insert webhook URL from your Discord.


This plugin uses the post-build feature to execute a request.

After installing, go to your job's configure section and add the Discord Notifier item. Then proceed to enter your webhook URL.

Post-build dropdown with Discord Webhooks selected

There are a few options you can choose from:

  • Webhook URL
    • The URL of the webhook (pretty self-explanatory) provided by Discord
  • Send only on state change
    • Checking this will only send the message when the state of the current build differs from the previous
  • Advanced:
    • Enable URL linking
      • Enables the title, build summary and build id to be linked to the build. Requires the URL to be set in Jenkin's global configuration
    • Enable artifact list
      • Enables the listing of the artifacts generated by the build
    • Enable version info in footer
      • Adds the "Jenkins version, Discord Webhook version" text in the footer of the message

Standard options in the Discord Webhook config Advanced tab in the config


Discord Notifier supports Jenkins Pipeline. The only required parameter is webhookURL (the URL of the webhook, of course) - but there isn't much point of sending nothing.


  • webhookURL (required)
    • The URL of the webhook (pretty self-explanatory) provided by Discord.
  • title
    • The title of the embed.
  • link
    • If set, the title becomes a link to this URL.
  • description
  • footer
    • The text in footer of the message.
  • successful
    • True makes the left-hand side of the embed green, false sets it to red.


pipeline {
  agent any

  post {
    always {
      discordSend description: 'Jenkins Pipeline Build', footer: 'Footer Text', link: env.BUILD_URL, successful: currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS'), title: JOB_NAME, webhookURL: 'Webhook URL'