
Golang Code Challenge

Primary LanguageGo

Challenge Idea

The main idea of the task is to build an API that read the payment transaction data from files (Json format) and return them in the API response as json format. There are two payment providers flypayA and flypayB.

Use these files as a source of data for the this task

flypay A transaction schema is

  transactionId: '4fc2-a8d1'

we have three status for flypay A

  • authorised which will have statusCode 1
  • decline which will have statusCode 2
  • refunded which will have statusCode 3

flypay B transaction schema is

  paymentId: '4dc2-a8a1'

we have three status for flypay B

  • authorised which will have statusCode 100
  • decline which will have statusCode 200
  • refunded which will have statusCode 300

Acceptance Criteria

Implement this API /api/payment/transaction

  • it should list all transaction which combine transactaions from all the available provider(flypayA and flypayB)
  • it should be able to filter transaction by payment providers for example /api/payment/transaction?provider=flypayA it should return transaction for flypay only
  • it should be able to filter transaction three statusCode (authorised, decline, refunded) for example /api/payment/transaction?statusCode=authorised it should return all the transactions from all payment providers that have status code authorised
  • it should be able to filer by amount range for example /api/payment/transaction?amountMin=10&amountMax=100 it should return all transaction between 10 and 100 including 10 and 100
  • it should be able to filer by currency
  • it should be able to combine all this filter together


Task will be evaluated based on

  1. Code quality
  2. Application performance in reading large files and it will be measured by time and memory usage (hint Concurreny may improve the performance but be careful! it may double the memory usage which will be affect the performance try to balance between time and memory)
  3. Code scalabilty we should be able to add a new payment provider like flypayC with a new schema with the minimum possible changes
  4. Unit tests


  1. Use Docker.
  2. Benchmarck the task.