- aatxe@Roblox
- ahmadsalimUniversity of Copenhagen
- bandali0@canonical
- clayratIMDEA Software
- cnd
- EarlGrayGoogle
- geostarlingCzech Technical University
- goodmind
- guenchiParis, France
- hawnzugUniversity of Minnesota
- hengestone
- hidarisnobody
- Invisible-Rabbit-Hunter
- iqbalansariPune, India
- iuliandumitruLondon
- jack-pappasPhiladelphia, PA, USA
- jkominekBoulder, CO
- jmitchellSeattle
- joom@Bloomberg
- KazarkUndisclosed
- lojikil
- mediovia
- mkoloberdin
- mschristiansen@rheosystems
- NoisyNot
- objectxMeguro-ku, Tokyo
- orthoxerox
- sdiehlLondon
- ska80Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- spdegabrielleEpro
- steshaw@tweag
- tbeddyPICKUP
- themattchan@awakesecurity
- troglotit
- vyp
- zaoqi-unsafe