Cloud Run Hello World Application

This application is used to explore various basic features of Cloud Run for Spring Boot.

The application is based on the Cloud Run Quickstart: Build and Deploy tutorial.

Cloud Build was replaced with Jib to make iteration faster.

  1. Build and push the image to Container Registry.

    $ GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=your-google-cloud-project
    $ mvn compile${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/helloworld jib:build
  2. Deploy to Cloud Run.

    $ gcloud run deploy helloworld --image${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/helloworld --platform managed --region us-east1
  3. Route traffic to the latest revision.

    $ gcloud alpha run services update-traffic helloworld --platform managed --region us-east1 --to-latest
  4. Run the app and view logs in Cloud Console.