- 0
- 0
Handle same path for POST and get throws Error
#74 opened by seppy87 - 6
HTTPS support
#19 opened by aaalgo - 3
Issues compiling hello world
#73 opened by evanugarte - 2
- 1
Unable to send query parameters
#71 opened by rehovicova - 1
Syntax errors in `request_parser.hpp` when including `served/served.hpp`
#60 opened by ghostravenstorm - 2
how to add header Access-Control-Allow-Origin ?
#66 opened by blastbeng - 1
- 2
- 1
Expose server?
#65 opened by blastbeng - 1
- 0
- 0
Need some help
#51 opened by williamsko - 0
- 8
Configure blocking nature for server run
#42 opened by luismartingil - 1
question:is there any way to regist interface instead of std:function in methods_handler post and get funcion
#40 opened by ZhaoGuangYue1986 - 2
PSA: Plan to move to new organisation
#37 opened by Jeffail - 3
random chrashes/keep alive
#14 opened by martinlierschof - 1
Long polling
#30 opened by asmyasnikov - 4
Conan package
#29 opened by zamazan4ik - 1
How build it?
#28 opened by godcodehunter - 0
Remove RE2 dependency or make it optional
#33 opened by jpihl - 1
Get IP Address of Request
#36 opened by digecor-danielharrison - 1
Building Served Throws Error
#7 opened by jmswenski - 3
- 1
- 1
not work when transfer 1G file
#13 opened by lshappylife - 3
how to server static file
#15 opened by d3roch4 - 4
Is served already captured the SIGTERM ?
#16 opened by AppleWeng - 4
Curl (7) Failed to connect
#17 opened by leoul16 - 3
- 2
- 1
Support PATCH Method
#23 opened by xoox - 1
- 1
- 2