
A generic and configurable job runner for Hadoop Mapreduce

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status codecov


A generic and configurable job runner for Hadoop Mapreduce


  • Hadoop +2.X


gradle clean build


hadoop jar GenMapred.jar org.meltzg.genmapred.runner.GenJobRunner --primary primary.json [--secondary secondary.json] [--httpfs url for HttpFS]

The GenJobRunner is a configurable Hadoop MapReduce Job runner. It can be configured using the values in the primary and, optionally, the secondary JSON files. Values in the primary, WILL NOT be overridden by values in the secondary. Properties in the primary whose value has the appendable sub-property set to "true" will have the secondary's value appended with the GenJobConfiguration.PropValue.VAL_DELIMITER.

Configuration Schema

	"propertyName": {
		"val": "property value",
		"isAppendable": false

GenJobRunner Standard Configuration Options

Required fields must be present in the primary or secondary configurations

Key Value Required Notes
jobName name to give job true
mapperClass fully qualified mapper class name true
partitionerClass fully qualified partitioner class name false
sortComparatorClass fully qualified sort comparator class name false
combinerClass fully qualified combiner class name false
combinerComparatorClass fully qualified combiner key grouping comparator class name false
groupingComparatorClass fully qualified grouping comparator class name false
reducerClass fully qualified reducer class name true
inputPath job input path true
outputPath job output path true
mapOutputKeyClass fully qualified mapper output key class name false Is only required if the mapper and reducer have different output types
mapOutputValueClass fully qualified mapper output value class name false Is only required if the mapper and reducer have different output types
outputKeyClass fully qualified output key class name true
outputValueClass fully qualified output value class name true
artifactJars '|' delimited list of fully qualified jar paths false Is only required if configured classes are not already in the Hadoop Classpath


  • The artifactJars property must have jar paths separated by '|'
  • The values for class name properties must be the fully qualified class names for the classes you want to use.
  • As of right now, these custom configuration objects are not available to the MapReduce components

Example Donfigurations


	"jobName": {
		"val": "test",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputValueClass": {
		"val": "org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable",
		"isAppendable": false
	"inputPath": {
		"val": "/activity/*/*accelerometer*",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputPath": {
		"val": "/activity-res",
		"isAppendable": false
	"foo": {
		"val": "foobar",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputKeyClass": {
		"val": "org.apache.hadoop.io.Text",
		"isAppendable": false


	"artifactJars": {
		"val": "/home/hduser/playground/examples.jar",
		"isAppendable": true
	"reducerClass": {
		"val": "org.meltzg.genmapred.examples.ModelCountReducer",
		"isAppendable": false
	"mapperClass": {
		"val": "org.meltzg.genmapred.examples.ModelCountMapper",
		"isAppendable": false

Final configuration

The primary and secondary configurations will be merged into the following JSON object

	"jobName": {
		"val": "test",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputValueClass": {
		"val": "org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable",
		"isAppendable": false
	"inputPath": {
		"val": "/activity/*/*accelerometer*",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputPath": {
		"val": "/activity-res",
		"isAppendable": false
	"foo": {
		"val": "foobar",
		"isAppendable": false
	"outputKeyClass": {
		"val": "org.apache.hadoop.io.Text",
		"isAppendable": false
	"artifactJars": {
		"val": "/home/hduser/playground/examples.jar",
		"isAppendable": true
	"reducerClass": {
		"val": "org.meltzg.genmapred.examples.ModelCountReducer",
		"isAppendable": false
	"mapperClass": {
		"val": "org.meltzg.genmapred.examples.ModelCountMapper",
		"isAppendable": false