What is Kube-burner?
Kube-burner is a tool aimed at stressing kubernetes clusters. The main functionallity it provides can be summarized in these three steps:
- Create/delete the objects declared in the jobs.
- Collect desired on-cluster prometheus metrics.
- Write and/or index them to the configured TSDB.
But it also provides other features like
- Standalone metrics collection
- Alerting
- PProf collection
- Pod startup latency measurements
Documentation is available at https://kube-burner.readthedocs.io/
Downloading Kube-burner
In case you want to start tinkering with Kube-burner now:
- You can find the binaries in the releases section of the repository.
- There's also a container image available at quay.
- A valid example of a configuration file can be found at examples/cfg.yml