
A simple video chat app that allows you to chat with your friends.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🎥💬 WebRTC Video Chat

A simple video chat app that allows you to chat with your friends

The Problem

  • I want to learn new technologies and gain experience in real-time communication development.
  • I want to know how video conference app like Google Meet works.
  • I want to have a fun and rewarding challenge on real-time communication.

The Solution

I've made a simple video chat app that allows user to create a video chatroom with a maximum users of two using WebRTC, React as my frontend framdwork and Firebase as my backend service.

🖥 Screenshots

webrtcvideochat webrtcvideochat

🔬 Technologies Used

skills skills skills skills skills skills skills

⌨️ Setup

If you want to run the website on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/melvinchia3636/webRTC
  2. Install all required dependencies using npm install
  3. Run npm run dev and you're good to go.

📈 Status

This project is completed. If any bugs are found, please file an issue here, and I'll resolve it ASAP.

💡 Inspirations

Thanks to Liming for motivating me, and Fireship for the tutorial.

📄 License

Copyright © 2022 Melvin Chia
Licensed under MIT.