
phpBB extension for Open AI (ChatGPT and DALL-E), Stability AI (Stable Diffusion) and Midjourney

Primary LanguagePHP

AI Labs v 1.0.1 RC

Incorporate AI into your phpBB board and get ready for an exciting experience.
Currently supported ChatGPT, DALL-E (OpenAI) and Stable Diffusion (Stability AI).
Midjourney support coming soon.



  • php >=7.1
  • phpbb >= 3.2

Important notes

  • Installing of Simple mentions phpBB extension strongly suggested.
    @mention feature makes it really easy to talk to AI bots and other board users.

  • If you are planning to use image generation AI (eg DALL-E or Stable Diffusion) make sure to adjust attachment settings to support large images and verify that webp image extension configured.

    Go to ACP > General > Attachment settings and adjust Total attachment quota, Maximum file size and Maximum file size messaging: Attachment settings

    Go to ACP > Posting > Manage attachment extensions, look for webp, add it if missing:
    Attachment settings


Download https://github.com/privet-fun/phpbb_ailabs and copy /privet/ailabs to phppp/ext folder:
Attachment settings

Go to ACP > Customise > Manage extensions and enable the AI Labs extension.

Finally go to ACP > Extensions > AI Labs > Settings and add desired AI configurations: Attachment settings

ChatGPT basic setup

  • You will need OpenAI account, sign up at https://platform.openai.com/.
    To obtain API key go to https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys, click on Create new secret key, copy and save in a safe place generated API key.
    Open AI key starts with sk- and look something like this sk-rb5yW9j6Nm2kP3Fhe7CPzT1QczwDZ5LvnlBfYU2EoqyX1dWs.

  • Create new board user who will act as AI bot, for our example we will use user ChatGPT.
    Make sure this user account is activated and fully functional.

  • Got to ACP > Extensions > AI Labs > Settings and add new configuration, select chatgpt from AI dropdown: Attachment settings

    • Use Load default configuration/template to get defaults.
      Replace Configuration JSON api-key with your Open AI key.
    • Select forums where you want ChatGPT AI user to reply to new posts and/or to quoted and @mention (if you are using Simple mentions extension) posts.
  • Save changes, navigate to forum configured above and create new post (if you configured Reply on a post) or quote/@mention ChatGPT user: Attachment settings

  • Fine-tuning can be done by adjusting following OpenAI API chat parameters https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat

  • Additional setting used by ChatGPT AI

    • message_tokens, default 4096, limit maximum size of the entire conversation thread
    • max_tokens, default 1024, define size reserved for AI reply when quoted
    • prefix, default empty, can be used to prompt model
    • prefix_tokens, default 0, copy above prefix to https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer to get size of your prefix in tokens and update prefix_tokens with number returned by tokenizer

ChatGPT advanced setup

You can setup ChatGPT to pretend it is somebody else.
Let's create new board user Bender and configure as shown below:
Attachment settings
Notice we used prefix and prefix_tokens to fine-tune ChatGPT AI behaviour.
Our AI bot Bender will provide responses like this, mostly staying in a character.

DALL-E setup

Setup mostly the same as for ChatGPT above:
Attachment settings

Refer to https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create to learn more about n and size parameters.

DALL-E advanced features

  • To generate an image of the desired size, you can specify one of the following sizes anywhere within the prompt, example:

    • 1024x1024
    • 512x512
    • 256x256
  • To create variations of the image simply post image url to the prompt, example

Stable Diffusion setup

Support and suggestions

This extension is currently being actively developed. For communication, please use https://github.com/privet-fun/phpbb_ailabs/issues.


  • 1.0.1 May 29, 2023

    • Fixed issues reported by Miri4ever
    • Removed all MySQL specific SQL, going forward extension should be SQL server agnostic
    • Better language management
    • Minor code cleanup
  • 1.0.0 May 28, 2023

    • Public release
