The goal of this project is to learn how to build microservice-based applications. I opted for Java due to the rich ecosystem offered by Spring. For this project I followed the book Spring Microservices in Action.
Below you'll find a listing of all the directories / services and what they do:
Service | Description |
common | Shared library used by all the microservices for infrastructure-style code. |
configserver | The configuration server uses Spring Cloud Config to provide externalized configuration in the distributed system of microservices. |
config | Contains all the configuration files used by the configserver. |
eurekaserver | This service allows for Service Registration and Discovery using Netflix Eureka. |
licenses | This service manages licenses of various organizations. It communicates with the organization service to obtain data from the organizations. |
organizations | This service manages all the organizations. |
zuulserver | This service acts as a API Gateway using Netflix Zuul. Zuul interacts with the Eureka server to discover services in the distributed system. It's also the place where cross-cutting concerns are organized, such as setting correlation ID's for distributed tracing and authentication. |
authentication | This service is responsible for authentication and authorization of users using Oauth2. |
zipkinserver | Provides a Zipkin service for distributed tracing together with Spring Cloud Sleuth |
To run all of the services create a package for each of them and then run:
$ docker-compose up -d
I've used Confluent's images for their Kafka platform. You can access the Control Panel to manage your Kafka clusters by navigating to