
Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

The Preprocessor Library and Standalone Executable

A preprocessor is a tool that reads a text file and, if some special instructions, called preprocessing directives, are found in the input, the output may not be an identical copy, for example some parts can be skipped. We document here the preprocessor.

The Standalone Preprocessor

Let us assume here that the standalone preprocessor has been built with dune, therefore the executable is PreprocMain.exe. We can obtain the available command-line options like so:

$ PreprocMain.exe --help

resulting in the output

Usage: PreprocMain.exe [<option> ...] -- [<input>]
where <input> is the source file (default: stdin),
and each <option> (if any) is one of the following:
  -I <paths>       Inclusion paths (colon-separated)
  -h, --help       This help
  -v, --version    Commit hash on stdout
      --cli        Print given options (debug)
      --columns    Columns for source locations
      --show-pp    Print result of preprocessing

First, we see that the preprocessor follows the GNU getopt conventions on short and long option names. The input is an anonymous argument that must be preceded by --. The options are

  • -I <paths> for finding files given to the directive #include which are not found by appending their path to the current directory.

  • --columns for using column numbers instead of horizontal offsets when reporting errors in the input (the first character on a line is on the column 1, but has offset 0).

  • --show-pp for actually printing on stdin the result of preprocessing the input. If not given this option, the preprocessor will only print on stderr errors, if any.

The Preprocessing Directives

This preprocessor features different kinds of directives:

  • directives found in the standard preprocessor for the language C#;

  • a directive from cpp, the C preprocessor, enabling the textual inclusion of files.

Importantly, strings are handled the way cpp does, not C#.

In the following subsections, we shall briefly present those directives. Here, we state some properties which hold for all of them.

  • They must start with a # symbol at the beginning of a line.

  • Wrongly spelled directives or unsupported ones are ignored without warning, and therefore will appear in the output.

  • They can have arguments in the form of free text or strings. (Anything after the directive name is considered a potential argument.)

  • Strings arguments must be enclosed between double quotes and cannot span over two or more lines.

  • The valid preprocessing of a directive leaves in its place an empty line (that is, a newline character) or another directive, to be picked up by other tools, like lexers.

  • Newline characters are never discarded, to preserve the line numbers of copied text.

The Error Directive

When debugging or putting in place directives in an already existing input, it is sometimes useful to force the preprocessor to stop and emit an error. This is possible thanks to the #error directive, which is followed by an error message as free text until the end of the line, like so:

#error Not implemented/tested yet

Conditional Directives and Symbol Definition

The preprocessor enables the conditional copying of its input. At the start, its default mode is copy, meaning that characters in the input are copied to the output. Conditional directives enable another mode: skip, by means of which the following characters are discarded, and only newline characters are copied.

Conditional directives follow the familiar syntax of some of their cousins in programming languages. At the very least,

  1. they start with the #if directive, followed by a Boolean expression as argument,

  2. and they are closed by #endif.

It is also possible to use

  • one #else directive before #endif;

  • a series of #elif directive after #if (as a short-hand for a #else immediately followed by an #if, except that only one #endif will close the conditional).

A trivial example would be:

#if false
This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character

where false is a predefined symbol acting like a Boolean value. The output is

# 1 "Tests/test.txt"

Note what looks like an anonymous preprocessing directive # 1 "Tests/test.txt". We will explain its meaning when presenting The Inclusion Directive. (Remark: cpp would not output blank lines followed by the end of the file.) Their use is clearer if we add text before and after the conditional, like so:

#if false

whose preprocessed output is then

# 1 "Tests/test.txt"


Here is how to use the #else directive:

#if false
This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
This IS copied to the output.

The booleans false and true are predefined. The way to define symbols (that is the traditional name of those identifiers) consists in using the #define directive, followed by the symbol, like so:

#define SYM

#if SYM
This IS copied to the output.
This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.

This opens the possibility to use Boolean expressions made of

  • true and false already mentioned;
  • || for the disjunction ("or");
  • && for the conjunction ("and");
  • == for equality;
  • != for inequality;
  • ! for negation;
  • ( and ) around expressions to specify priorities.

Directives are processed in sequence in the input file. This preprocessor, like that of C#, allows us to undefine a symbol, that is, giving it the Boolean value false, like so:

#define SYM
#undef SYM

#if SYM
This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
This IS copied to the output.

The result is

# 1 "Tests/undef.txt"

This IS copied to the output.

Note: If you wish to redefine a symbol, you must undefine it first.

When we want to write a cascade of conditionals, the preprocessor enables a shortcut by means of the #elif directive, like so:

#if ...
#elif ...
#elif ...

Basically, a #elif directive is equivalent to #else followed by #if, but we only need to close with only one #endif.

The rationale for using conditional directives is to enable in a single file several versions of a standard.

#elif STANDARD_2
#error Standard not implemented

A real life example could be Dexter. It provides another interesting use of a conditional directive, where a record type depends on the version of the standard.

The Inclusion Directive

The solution provided by the conditional directives with symbol definition to manage several standards is improved upon by physically separating the input into different files. This is where the #include directive comes handy. Basically, it takes an argument made of a string containing a path to the file to be textually included, like so:

#include "path/to/standard_1.ligo"

and the preprocessor replaces the directive with the contents of the file path/to/standard_1.ligo, whose contents is then preprocessed as well. This can in theory create a loop, for example, if two files try to include each other.

In fact, the preprocessor does more than simply include the given file. To enable the consumer of the output to keep track of inclusions, in particular, to maintain the line numbers of the input that has been copied, the preprocessor inserts two special directives in the output, called linemarkers, one in the stead of the #include directive and one after the inclusion. Let us consider the following example where a.txt includes b.txt, which, in turn, includes c.txt. Here is the contents of a.txt:

Start of "a.txt"
#include "b.txt"
End of "a.txt"

Then b.txt:

Start of "b.txt"
#include "c.txt"
End of "b.txt"

and, finally, c.txt:

Start of "c.txt"
End of "c.txt"

If we gather the files in a Tests directory and run the standalone preprocessor built with dune like so

$ PreprocMain.exe --show-pp -- Tests/a.txt

we obtain on stdout:

# 1 "Tests/a.txt"
Start of "a.txt"

# 1 "Tests/b.txt" 1
Start of "b.txt"

# 1 "Tests/c.txt" 1
Start of "c.txt"
End of "c.txt"
# 3 "Tests/b.txt" 2
End of "b.txt"
# 3 "Tests/a.txt" 2
End of "a.txt"

There are three forms of linemarkers:

  1. # <line number> "path/to/file"
  2. # <line number> "path/to/file" 1
  3. # <line number> "path/to/file" 2

The first kind is used only at the start of the output file and states that the line after the linemarker has number <line number> and belongs to the file path/to/file. Therefore Start of "a.txt" has line number 1 in file Tests/a.txt.

The second kind is used when including a file. The #include directive is discarded in the output, except the newline character, which explains the empty line after Start of "a.txt". Then a linemarker ending in 1 is printed, which means that we went to the file path/to/file when processing the input.

The third kind is inserted in the output upon returning from an included file. For example, # 3 "Tests/b.txt" 2 means that the next line has number 3 and we return to file Tests/b.txt.

Linemarkers need to be handled by the consumer of the output. In the context of a compiler, the lexer reads the output of the preprocessor, therefore scans for linemarkers.

When using the preprocessor with a compiler, the #include directive should only occur at the top level according to the grammar, that is, either at the beginning of the input file, in between file-level declarations or at the end. (This property is checked by the parser.) The rationale for this restriction is to avoid fragments of input files that are syntactically incorrect, and yet assembled into a correct one.

Preprocessing Strings and Comments

Strings and comments are recognised by the preprocessor, even in pieces of the input that are not copied. (This last point is a difference between cpp and the C# preprocessor.) The rationale for doing so when copying the input is twofold:

  1. We do not want the preprocessor to interpret a directive that is actually in a comment. This can happen when commenting out a piece of the source code that contains a preprocessing directive: we do not want that directive to be interpreted.

  2. We do not want the preprocessor to interpret a directive that is actually in a string. This can happen if the source code is that of a bootstrapped compiler, that is, a compiler for its own language. Another scenario is that of a test: the source code is actually printing what is happening.

When the processor is in skip mode, that is, the input is not copied, strings and comments are also recognised. This ensures that a string or a comment containing a conditional directive, for example #endif, does not start to interact with previous directives, like #if, or raises an error when switching from copy mode to skip mode. In other words, the interpretation of strings and comments should always be the same. For example, we want the input

#if true


#if true

to not raise an error.

Strings are enclosed between double quotes.

Comments can follow one of the following combinations:

  • (* and *) for blocks, and // for lines;

  • /* and */ for blocks, and // for lines;

  • /* and */ for blocks, and # for lines

See section Adding a Comment or String for new combinations.

Documenting the Modules


As we explained in section Contents, the module CLI has a twofold purpose: to deal with command-line options for the standalone preprocessor, and also export data structures about the configuration meant for the library client.

The Interface (CLI)

The module signature COMMENTS is

module type COMMENTS =
    type line_comment  = string (* Opening of a line comment *)
    type block_comment = <opening : string; closing : string>

    val block : block_comment option
    val line  : line_comment option

It exports optional values denoting two kinds of comments: one-line comments and block comments (that is, multi-line comments). Due to the use of metaprogramming by means of ocamllex to implement the module API, where comments are defined as regular expressions, the client of CLI must make sure to choose line and block comments that are actually recognised by API.

The module signature S in CLI gathers data structures parameterising the behaviour of the preprocessor. If building the standalone preprocessor, those data will come from the command-line. They are as follows:

    val input     : string option (* input file             *)
    val extension : string option (* file extension         *)
    val dirs      : string list   (* -I                     *)
    val show_pp   : bool          (* --show-pp              *)
    val offsets   : bool          (* negation of --columns  *)

So, for example, if offsets is true, error messages will report regions of the input with horizontal offsets (a la Emacs) instead of column numbers (a la Vim).

Information about how the parsing of command-line options went is given by the type and value status:

    type status = [
    | `Version      of string
    | `Help         of Buffer.t
    | `CLI          of Buffer.t
    | `SyntaxError  of string
    | `FileNotFound of string

    val status : status
  • The constructor `Done means that no error occurred.

  • The constructor `Version carries the commit hash of the source code, as shown about the standalone preprocessor.

  • The `Help constructor carries the help displayed by --help.

  • The constructor `CLI carries a string buffer containing the internal values of the command-line options which were given. This is used for debugging the module CLI. See --cli.

  • The constructor `SyntaxError reports an error when parsing the command-line options.

  • The constructor `FileNotFound denotes the input file not being found.

The rationale for this structure is to enable the CLI to be augmented when composing the preprocessor with another tool that consumes its output. For example, the lexing library in vendored-dune/LexerLib features its own CLI module, exporting its own type status:

    type status = [
    | `Version      of string
    | `Help         of Buffer.t
    | `CLI          of Buffer.t
    | `SyntaxError  of string
    | `FileNotFound of string

which reuses the one in vendored-dune/Preprocessor/CLI.mli.

The Implementation

On word on the implementation CLI.ml. We designed the CLI of the preprocessor library so it can be composed with other tools, like a lexer based on the lexer library in vendored-dune/LexerLib. In order to achieve this goal, we do not want the exception Getopt.Error to be raised when finding an unknown option, one that is destined to another tool, like the lexer. Therefore, we designed a module Argv in vendored-dune/ligo-utils/simple-utils that filters out unknown options but leaves correct ones, even if their syntax is invalid and will result in an exception Getopt.Error raised by Getopt.parse_cmdline. Importantly, we assume that there are no concatenated short options (here, the only possible combinations are -hv and -vh) and that anonymous arguments (here, a unique text file) is given after --.

    let opt_wo_arg =
      let open SSet in
      |> add "--show-pp"
      |> add "--columns"

      (* The following options are present in all CLI *)
      |> add "--cli"                  (* For debugging *)
      |> add "--help" |> add "-h"
      |> add "--version" |> add "-v"

    let opt_with_arg =
      let open SSet in
      |> add "-I"

    let argv_copy = Array.copy Sys.argv

    let () = Argv.filter ~opt_wo_arg ~opt_with_arg

First, we make a backup copy of Sys.argv. Second, we filter it in a list by calling Argv.filter. That function performs a side effect on Sys.argv: unknown options are removed and compacted. That is why Sys.argv has to be restored from the backup after parsing the command-line: another parse is now possible by another client.


The Interface (API)

The API module is the heart of the preprocessor. Perhaps it is best to start from its interface. The type of a preprocessor is

type 'src preprocessor = State.config -> 'src -> result

Clearly, the type parameter 'src is the kind of input. The type State.config is an object type gathering information about the input and how the preprocessor is parameterised by the user. See section The State. It could be that this information comes from the module CLI if building the standalone preprocessor, but it could come from a compiler, which uses the preprocessor as a library and has its own command-line interface. The type result is

type result = (success, Buffer.t option * message) Stdlib.result

In case of error, the preprocessor (as a function) returns an error message and an optional string buffer. That buffer contains the output up to when the error occurred. This can be used to debug the preprocessor. In case of success,

type module_deps = (file_path * module_name) list
type success     = Buffer.t * module_deps

the preprocessor returns a string buffer containing the output and a list of module dependencies, directly gathered from the #import directives.

Finally, different preprocessing functions are exported, according to the type parameter 'src':

val from_lexbuf  : Lexing.lexbuf preprocessor
val from_channel : in_channel    preprocessor
val from_string  : string        preprocessor
val from_file    : file_path     preprocessor

The State

Let us turn our focus now on the implementation. We shall not explain how ocamllex works. For that, please refer to its official documentation.

First of all, we decided to have one automaton. A preprocessor has basically two fundamental states: at a given position in the input, either the current character is copied to the output, or it is discarded. This fact could have led to two automata, each state having a dual in the other (copy versus skip). We decided not to do that and only have one automaton, and this is why we have the type mode:

type mode = Copy | Skip

The mode will be threaded along the states of the automaton, which will be therefore not duplicated.

In the same vein, checking the well-formedness of conditional directives require to remember what kind of clause is valid at any time. For example, when finding an #elif directive, it can only be correct if either the previous conditional directive was another #elif of an #if. This could be checked by an automaton that duplicate its states according to what is valid (that is, was read before). Just like with the modes above, we decided to have unique states and instead keep track of the syntax of the conditional directive with an argument to the scanner, of type trace:

type cond  = If of mode | Elif of mode | Else
type trace = cond list

It is a stack of previously encountered conditional directives, and their modes (because even if they occur in regions of the input that are skipped, they have to be well formed).

Already, we have seen two kind of information (modes, conditionals) that need to be threaded along the states of the automaton. There is actually more that needs threading, all gathered in the type State.t:

type state = {
  config : config;
  env    : E_AST.Env.t;
  mode   : mode;
  trace  : trace;
  out    : Buffer.t;
  chans  : in_channel list;
  incl   : file_path list;
  import : (file_path * module_name) list

We find the fields config, mode and trace we considered earlier, but also additional information.

  • The field env records the symbols defined by #define and not undefined by #undef. It acts as a value environment when computing the Boolean expressions of #if and #elif.

  • The field out is the output buffer.

  • The field chans is the list of input channels opened when processing an #include directive, in order to close them when we are done, and thus avoid a memory leak (channels are not collected by the OCaml collector).

  • The field incl is isomorphic to the file system path to the current input file, and it is changed to that of any included file. More precisely, its a stack on top of which directories are pushed by means of API.push_dir, and from which a path can be obtained back API.mk_path.

  • The field import is the list of modules from their defining file, as given by the #import

The entry point in the automaton is API.scan:

rule scan state = parse

We can see the parameter state that will be threaded along the scanning rules.


There are two functions to copy input characters to the output buffer. The first is API.copy:

let copy state buffer =
  Buffer.add_string state.out (Lexing.lexeme buffer)

and the other is proc_nl ("process newline character"):

let proc_nl state buffer =
  Lexing.new_line buffer; copy state buffer

It is necessary to call proc_nl when copying newline characters. Remember too that newline characters are always copied, independent of the mode.

Scanning Conditional Directives

When an #if directive is found, the trace is extended by calling

extend (If state.mode) state region

during the evaluation of which the syntactic validity of having encountered an #if is checked (for example, it would be invalid had an #elif been last read). Note that the current mode is stored in the trace with the current directive --- that mode may be later restored (see below for some examples). Moreover, the directive would be deemed invalid if its current position within the line (that is, its offset) were not preceded by blanks or nothing, otherwise the function API.expr is called to scan the Boolean expression associated with the #if: if it evaluates to true, then the resulting mode is Copy, meaning that we may copy what follows, otherwise we skip it --- the actual decision depending on the current mode. That new mode is used if we were in copy mode, and the offset is reset to the start of a new line (as we read a new line in expr); otherwise we were in skipping mode and the value of the conditional expression must be ignored (but not its syntax), and we continue skipping the input.

When an #else is matched, the trace is extended by calling API.extend with Else as an argument:

extend Else state region

and then the rest of the line is scanned and discarded by means of the rule skip_line:

and skip_line state = parse
  nl     { proc_nl state lexbuf   }
| eof    { rollback lexbuf        }
| _      { skip_line state lexbuf }

(Keep in mind that newline characters are always copied.) If we were in copy mode, the new mode toggles to skipping mode; otherwise, the trace is searched for the last encountered #if of #elif and the associated mode is restored.

The case of #elif is the result of the fusion (in the technical sense of functional programming) of the code for dealing with an #else followed by an #if.

When an #endif is matched, the trace is reduced, that is, all conditional directives are popped until an If mode is found and its mode is restored as the current mode.

Consider the following four cases, where the modes (Copy/Skip) are located between the lines:

                    Copy ────┐                          Copy ────┐
   #if true                  │       #if true                    │
                    Copy     │                          Copy     │
   #else                     │       #else                       │
                ┌── Skip ──┐ │                      ┌── Skip ──┐ │
     #if true   │          │ │         #if false    │          │ │
                │   Skip   │ │                      │   Skip   │ │
     #else      │          │ │         #else        │          │ │
                └─> Skip   │ │                      └─> Skip   │ │
     #endif                │ │         #endif                  │ │
                    Skip <─┘ │                          Skip <─┘ │
   #endif                    │       #endif                      │
                    Copy <───┘                          Copy <───┘

                ┌── Copy ────┐                          Copy ──┬─┐
   #if false    │            │       #if false                 │ │
                │   Skip     │                          Skip   │ │
   #else        │            │       #else                     │ │
                └─> Copy ──┐ │                    ┌─┬── Copy <─┘ │
     #if true              │ │         #if false  │ │            │
                    Copy   │ │                    │ │   Skip     │
     #else                 │ │         #else      │ │            │
                    Skip   │ │                    │ └─> Copy     │
     #endif                │ │         #endif     │              │
                    Copy <─┘ │                    └───> Copy     │
   #endif                    │       #endif                      │
                    Copy <───┘                          Copy <───┘

The following four cases feature #elif. Note that we put between brackets the mode saved for the #elif, which is sometimes restored later.

                    Copy ──┐                            Copy ──┐
   #if true                │         #if true                  │
                    Copy   │                            Copy   │
   #elif true   ┌──[Skip]  │         #elif false    ┌──[Skip]  │
                │   Skip   │                        │   Skip   │
   #else        │          │         #else          │          │
                └─> Skip   │                        └─> Skip   │
   #endif                  │         #endif                    │
                    Copy <─┘                            Copy <─┘

                ┌── Copy ──┬─┐                      ┌── Copy ────┐
   #if false    │          │ │       #if false      │            │
                │   Skip   │ │                      │   Skip     │
   #elif true   └─>[Copy]  │ │       #elif false    └─>[Copy]──┐ │
                    Copy <─┘ │                          Skip   │ │
   #else                     │       #else                     │ │
                    Skip     │                          Copy <─┘ │
   #endif                    │       #endif                      │
                    Copy <───┘                          Copy <───┘

Note how #elif indeed behaves like an #else followed by an #if, and the mode stored with the data constructor Elif corresponds to the mode before the virtual #if.

Scanning File Inclusions

For a step-by-step explanation of how file inclusion works, please refer to the source code.


Across the semantic actions of the ocamllex specification API.mll, we see calls to the function rollback:

let rollback buffer =
  let open Lexing in
  let len = String.length (lexeme buffer) in
  let pos_cnum = buffer.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum - len in
  buffer.lex_curr_pos <- buffer.lex_curr_pos - len;
  buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_cnum}

That function restores the logical view of lexer engine over the lexing buffer so that it would appear that its contents has not been read. When called in a semantic action, it applies to the lexing buffer that was matched by the corresponding regular expression.

Scanning Comments and Strings

As we saw in the section about preprocessing strings and comments, several combinations of block and line comments are possible. We also saw above how the type API.config, in the section The Interface, gathers parametric information about the behaviour of the preprocessor. In particular, we saw the signature COMMENTS in the section CLI signature that gathers the comment opening and closing markers from the client's perspective. It is therefore important that what the client requests is actually possible according to the regular expressions.

The regular expression block_comment_openings in API.mll:

let block_comment_openings =
| cameligo_block_comment_opening
| michelson_block_comment_opening

matches all the statically possible opening markers for block comments.

The regular expression line_comments:

let line_comments =
| cameligo_line_comment
| michelson_line_comment

gathers the valid opening markers for line comments.

After matching all possible block comment openings (block_comments_openings), we need to check whether the matched opening is the one requested by the client:

| block_comment_openings {
    let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
    match state.config#block with

If not, we rollback the lexing buffer state and scan again the characters that were matched (scan_n_char n state lexbuf), and then resume scanning with scan:

    | Some _ | None ->
        let n = String.length lexeme in
            rollback lexbuf;
            assert (n > 0);
            scan (scan_n_char n state lexbuf) lexbuf
          end }

For example, if the client specifies that block comments start with the sequence (* and we matched /*, we cannot consider the string /* as a whole (a comment opening), but, instead as a normal input. It has length 2, so scan_n_char 2 will scan 2 characters without trying to match a comment opening.

If the matched comment opening is the one expected by the client, then, if in copy mode, the opening is copied and a scanning rule is called, depending on the kind of comment: in_block for block comments, or in_line for line comments.

If we consider the definition of in_block, we see that it tries to match three regular expressions on the lexing buffer:

  1. a string delimiter (it is an opening, but opening and closing are expected to be the same);

  2. a block comment opening;

  3. a block comment closing.

Actually, string delimiters and block comment opening share the same semantic action because comments can contain strings and strings comments. The idea here is to scan a string or a sub-comment, or to treat the matched string as regular comment contents. Since comments can be nested, we need, in case of error, like an open comment, to refer the user to the opening of the comment. This is the purpose of the opening parameter:

and in_block block opening state = parse


The module PreprocMainGen exports a functor which consumes a module of signature S in CLI and returns a signature

    val check_cli  : unit -> unit
    val config     : API.config
    val preprocess : unit -> API.result

This signature packages the command-line options as defined by the module CLI into an API version, both suitable for the standalone preprocessor, and also for any library client, for example, a compiler. This signature also provides two ready-made functions check_cli and preprocess to check the command-line options and run the preprocessor (on the input specified in the argument CLI), respectively.


The module PreprocMain is only used as the entry point of the standalone preprocessor, that is, PreprocMain.exe, if using dune, or PreprocMain.byte, if using the Makefile. As such, it assumes that there are no comments and no strings, so it may be run on all texts that are not programming languages, to be tested.

Maintaining the Preprocessor

This section explains how to perform some maintenance tasks aiming at adding new features, but, whatever you modify in this directory, you should re-read this file to ensure that the quoted code is current.

Adding a Command-Line Option

When using the standalone preprocessor, we may want to add another command-line option, for example to dump debug information. For that purpose, the module CLI needs to be considered. The new option needs to be added to the signature CLI.S. If it is a debug option, it should not lead to an error by being incompatible with other options, therefore there is not need to extend the type status and the variant `Done will do. The function [make_help] needs to be emended so --help displays the new option. If it is for debugging, the description could be For debugging. or Not documented. A global reference needs to be created, which will hold the OCaml value corresponding to the option, and it must be initialised with a default value, so an option may be handy sometimes. See for example the reference input. If your option is without arguments, add it to the value opt_wo_arg, like --show-pp is added, for instance. If it has an argument, then add it to opt_with_arg, like -I. Then re-export the OCaml value without a reference, for example see

let dirs = !dirs

to comply with the signature CLI.S, where no reference escapes to the client. You may want the new option to be debugged itself, by adding a string to the value options:

      let options = [
        "CLI options";
        sprintf "input      = %s" (string_of_opt (fun x -> x) !input);
        sprintf "dirs       = %s" string_of_dirs;
        sprintf "show-pp    = %b" show_pp;
        sprintf "columns    = %b" (not offsets)
      ] in

If the new option could cause new errors to occur, then the type status may have to be extended with another variant. Those variants are polymorphic because they enable such an extension.

Adding a Preprocessing Directive and/or Errors

It is more likely that you may want to add a new preprocessing directive. In that case, you need first to think of its arguments and ask yourself: How many? Any optional? Of what OCaml type? Can it fail?

The first step is to insert the name of the directive in the list directives, in alphabetic order. Next, you need to add the corresponding case to the pattern matching match id with. If the new directive needs an argument, you can follow the example of another directive that has a similar one. For example, if a string is expected, you might considier how #include works. Anyway, the general idea is that you want an error if the string is not valid or missing (assuming it is not optional here). That is why you need a scanning rule for the arguments. This is why, for instance, the handling of #include needs calling scan_include:

        and reg, incl_file = scan_include state lexbuf in

and #import features a call to scan_import, like so:

        let reg, import_file, imported_module = scan_import state lexbuf in

In those rules, always have a catch-all clause and, if the argument is the last, a clause matching eof, like so:

and new_rule state = parse
| eof { ... }  (* If parsing the last argument *)
| _   { ... }

Assuming the new rule might raise an error, you need to add it to the type Error.t, both the implementation and the interface. You need then to add a case for it in Error.to_string. In the semantic actions of new_rule, always fail by calling either the function fail or stop. In particular, do not raise your own exception or even the local exception Error. That exception should not escape the module API. It is catched when calling the entry point of the lexer, in function from_lexbuf:

  match preproc state buffer with
    state ->
      List.iter close_in state.chans;
      Stdlib.Ok (state.out, state.import)
  | exception Error (buffer, msg) ->
      Stdlib.Error (Some buffer, msg)

and in the utility function apply:

let apply transform region state =
  match transform state with
    Stdlib.Ok state  -> state
  | Stdlib.Error err -> fail state region err

The internal exception Error is only raise by the function fail and expr, which parses the Boolean expressions of directives #if and #elif.

If the new directive is expected to gather information during the preprocessing, you then need to extend the type State.t with dedicated accumulators, and add functions to State to operate on those accumulators. See the simplest examples, like push_import. The rationale for modules Error and State is to limit the clutter of API, which is the heart of the preprocessor. When the preprocessor finished scanning the input, you need a way to export the new information. Consider then the module API and the type result there. At least, you need to augment the type success to return the data gathered by the new directive in case of success, but you might also return it in case of error, in which case you need to augment the type error.

If the new directive opens input channels, make sure to register them (push them) in the field chans of the state, so they are closed and no memory leak occurs (see function from_lexbuf, which is called by all the from_ exported functions).

Adding a New Kind of Comment

If you use the preprocessor for a language whose comments follow a convention that is different from the one already implemented in the preprocessor, here is what to do. First, create your own combination of block and line comment. Perhaps it is useful you look at how the convention for Michelson is implemented:

let michelson_block_comment_opening = "/*"
let michelson_block_comment_closing = "*/"
let michelson_line_comment          = "#"


let block_comment_openings =
| michelson_block_comment_opening


let block_comment_closings =
| michelson_block_comment_closing


let line_comments =
| michelson_line_comment

That is all, as far as the library is concerned. The caller needs to be made aware of the new convention in the documentation, so values of the type State.config are valid (see methods block and line).

Adding a New Kind of String

The preprocessor is aware of strings as being enclosed between double quotes. If you consider adding a new kind of string, for example, enclosed between simple quotes, a substantial change is needed. Please talk to the maintainer.