#Project README
This project is an Alexa Skill application called "Grammar Tool".
##Tech Stack
It is built as a layered .NET/C# application, with tiers for web app & web api, service layer, repo layer, and domain specifics.
The project stack is .NET 4.5, Entity Framework 6, and Unity for Dependnecy Injection and Inversion of Control. The project is hosted on Microsoft Azure.
The AlexaSkillProject.WebApp project hosts the web app and web api.
The initial entry point for the Alexa Skill is in the AlexaController at [HttpPost, Route("api/v1/alexa/grammartool")]
The Alexa skill uses the service layer (AlexaSkillProject.Services) to validate the request, map and persist the request (Azure SQL Server), and deliver an appropriate response.
The Pearsons Dictionary API is used to retireve a Part of Speech, Definition, and Example for any given word (and the result is stored locally). (http://developer.pearson.com/apis/dictionaries)
Unity Inversion of Control Container is used for Dependency Injection (AlexaSkillProject.WebApp > App_Start > WebApiConfig)
##About the Alexa Skill
Invoke the Skill by saying "Alexa, Open Grammar Tool".
Ask for the Word of the Day: "What is the Word of The Day?"
Alexa will give a word of the day, its part of speech, definition, and an example. Alexa will then prompt the user to repeat the word.
Alexa will continue with additional words with "Get Another Word".
One shot request: "Alexa, Ask Grammar Tool what is the Word of The Day?""
##About the Web App
- www.grammartoolapp.com (in progress)