
Emulated Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) server-side interface.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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Simple S3 server-side interface, produced using Amazon's public documentation. Want a simple S3 storage server built using S3Server? Check out Less3.

NuGet Version NuGet

Feedback and Enhancements

Is there an API you'd like exposed that isn't currently? Did you identify an issue or have other feedback? Please file an issue here!

New in v6.0.x

  • Breaking changes with dependency updates
  • Moved usings inside of namespaces to reduce collisions
  • Moved from new byte[0] to Array.Empty<byte>()
  • Size limits for ObjectWrite (e.g. PutObject), returns EntityTooLarge if exceeded
  • Boolean for enabling or disabling signature validation
  • Added bucket and object callbacks in support of multipart uploads
  • Added object callback for S3 Select API


Refer to Test.Client and Test.Server projects for full examples.


The following notes should be read prior to using S3Server:

  • Path-style URLs are default, i.e. http://hostname.com/bucket/key

  • Virtual hosting URLs can be used by setting S3Server.ServiceCallbacks.FindMatchingBaseDomain

    • You must use a wildcard listener (e.g. * or +) and run under administrative privileges
    • This callback takes one input parameter, the hostname from the HTTP request
    • Your implementation should compare the hostname with your list of base domains
    • The return value from this method should be the base domain to which the hostname matches
    • If no match is found, throw a KeyNotFoundException
    • You may have to set DNS or your hosts file to resolve these names accordingly
    • Alternatively, use a hostname that resolves to localhost (e.g. [host].local.gd or [host].fbi.com)
    • Any request where the base domain is NOT found in incoming hostname will be treated as a path-style URL request


Refer to the Test.Server project for a more complete example.

using S3ServerLibrary;
using S3ServerLibrary.S3Objects;

// Initialize the server
S3Server server = new S3Server("[hostname]", 8000, false, DefaultRequestHandler); // host, port, SSL

// Set callbacks
server.Service.ListBuckets = ListBuckets;
server.Bucket.Exists = BucketExists;
// etc

// Start the server

// Example callback definition
static async Task DefaultRequestHandler(S3Context ctx)
  ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400;
  ctx.Response.ContentType = Constants.ContentTypeText;
  ctx.Response.Send("Bad request");

// Callback expecting a response object
static async Task<ListAllMyBucketsResult> ListBuckets(S3Context ctx)
  return new ListAllMyBucketsResult();

static async Task<bool> BucketExists(S3Context ctx)
  return true;
  // throw new S3Exception(new Error(ErrorCode.NoSuchBucket));

// Callback passing object to you
static async Task BucketWriteTags(S3Context ctx, Tagging tags)


Use the following example with the AWSSDK.S3 NuGet package to point your S3 client toward S3Server.

using Amazon;
using Amazon.Runtime;
using Amazon.S3;
using Amazon.S3.Model;

BasicAWSCredentials cred = new Amazon.Runtime.BasicAWSCredentials("access key", "secret key");            
AmazonS3Config config = new AmazonS3Config
  RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USWest1, 
  ServiceURL = "http://localhost:8000/",  
  ForcePathStyle = true, // required if not using virtual hosting style
  UseHttp = true
IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(cred, config);

Request and Responses

An S3Context object is passed to your callbacks which includes three properties:

  • S3Request - the parsed S3 request
  • S3Response - the response object with which you will interact to send a response
  • Metadata - an object that you can choose to set with your own value
    • This is often helpful if you use the PreRequestHandler for authentication or other purposes

S3Server expects the code you implement in your callbacks to either:

  • Respond with a variable (see S3Server.Bucket.Exists, expects a Boolean)
  • Simply return when no response object is required (see S3Server.Object.DeleteTagging)
  • Throw an S3Exception with the appropriate Error object if something goes wrong


S3Server parses incoming HTTP requests, extracting key pieces of information to determine the type of request sent by the caller. The logic to handle these requests is NOT provided by S3Server; you have to create that logic yourself in your callbacks. Callbacks are called when a request of that type has been received, otherwise, a generic 400 error is returned to the client.

Refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/Welcome.html for the S3 API documentation used to create this project.

The following callbacks are supported:

Service Callbacks

Callback Name Description Method URL
Service.ListBuckets List buckets GET /
Service.ServiceExists Retrieve region for the service HEAD /

Bucket Callbacks

Callback Name Description Method URL
Bucket.Delete Delete a bucket DELETE /[bucket]
Bucket.DeleteAcl Delete ACLs from a bucket DELETE /[bucket]?acl
Bucket.DeleteTagging Delete tags from a bucket DELETE /[bucket]?tagging
Bucket.DeleteWebsite Delete bucket website configuration DELETE /[bucket]?website
Bucket.Exists Check if a bucket exists HEAD /[bucket]
Bucket.Read Enumerate a bucket GET /[bucket]
Bucket.ReadAcl Read ACL on a bucket GET /[bucket]?acl
Bucket.ReadLocation Read a bucket's region GET /[bucket]?location
Bucket.ReadLogging Read bucket's logging configuration GET /[bucket]?logging
Bucket.ReadTagging Read tags on a bucket GET /[bucket]?tagging
Bucket.ReadVersioning Read bucket versioning GET /[bucket]?versioning
Bucket.ReadVersions Read object versions in a bucket GET /[bucket]?versions
Bucket.ReadWebsite Read bucket website configuration GET /[bucket]?website
Bucket.Write Create a bucket PUT /[bucket]
Bucket.WriteAcl Write an ACL to a bucket PUT /[bucket]?acl
Bucket.WriteLogging Write bucket logging configuration PUT /[bucket]?logging
Bucket.WriteTagging Write tags to a bucket PUT /[bucket]?tagging
Bucket.WriteVersioning Write bucket versioning PUT /[bucket]?versioning
Bucket.WriteWebsite Write bucket website configuration PUT /[bucket]?website

Object Callbacks

Callback Name Description Method URL
Object.Delete Delete an object DELETE /[bucket]/[key]
Object.DeleteTagging Delete an object's tags DELETE /[bucket]/[key]?tagging
Object.DeleteMultiple Delete multiple objects POST /[bucket]?delete^2
Object.Exists Check if an object exists HEAD /[bucket]/[key]
Object.Write Write an object PUT /[bucket]/[key]
Object.WriteAcl Write an object access control list PUT /[bucket]/[key]?acl
Object.WriteTagging Write tags to an object PUT /[bucket]/[key]?tagging
Object.WriteLegalHold Write a legal hold status to an object PUT /[bucket]/[key]?legal-hold
Object.WriteRetention Write a retention status to an object PUT /[bucket]/[key]?retention
Object.Read Read an object GET /[bucket]/[key]
Object.ReadAcl Read an object's access control list GET /[bucket]/[key]?acl
Object.ReadLegalHold Read an object's legal hold status GET /[bucket]/[key]?legal-hold
Object.ReadRange Read a range of bytes from an object GET /[bucket]/[key]^1
Object.ReadRetention Read an object's retention status GET /[bucket]/[key]?retention
Object.ReadTagging Read an object's tags GET /[bucket]/[key]?tagging

^1 Refer to the Bytes header in S3Request.Headers for the range that should be retrieved. ^2 A delete multiple request body must be supplied.

Unsupported / Not Yet Available

Operations against the service or AWS accounts is not exposed through callbacks.

The following bucket operations are not exposed through callbacks:

  • Accelerate
  • Analytics
  • CORS
  • Encryption
  • Inventory
  • Lifecycle
  • Notification
  • Object lock configuration
  • Object versions
  • Policy status
  • Public access block
  • Metrics
  • Payment
  • Policy
  • Replication

The following object operations are not exposed through callbacks:

  • Multipart upload
  • Parts
  • Restore
  • Torrent

The following general capabilities are not yet supported by S3Server

  • Validation of chunk signatures

These items may be addressed in a future release.

Version History

Refer to CHANGELOG.md for details.