***The code is outdated to the latest version of LinkedIn***
1. Python2.7
2. ChromeDriver
3. The following modules :
- Selenium : Portable software-testing framework for web applications
- bs4 : Helps in easy code parsing of webpage
- json : Linkedin webpages requires json handling
- csv : To append your data to a csv
- random : Handling random numbers
This scraper gives you the basic information and contact info of the profile(if present) on providing the profile url.
linkedin_profile.py : Python code to scrape the linkedin data.
data.csv : Data is stored into this file.
chromedriver.exe : ChromeDriver is a separate executable that WebDriver uses to control Chrome.
(There are drivers available for other browsers too. However, I am using ChromeDriver.)
Visit here to download drivers for other browsers and know more about Selenium.
- Step 1:
Run the python code in your terminal or command prompt (preferably).
cd <file path to the location>
python <filename>
- Step 2:
You will be asked to give your Linkedin Credentials. It is entirely safe to give your credentials. No one is storing them.
Linkedin Username : username
Linkedin Password : password
- Step 3:
After logging in, there will be a prompt for profile link. Copy and Paste the profile link.
Paste the profile link : linkedinprofilelink
Voila, the basic description of profile and contact info (if present) will be stored in data.csv
1. Continue the loop to scrape as many profiles as you wish in a single login.
2. A new row is added for every new profile scraped. So, no need to worry for the loss of data.
3. Since, it's a Selenium webDriver system, you can see whatever is happening with the browser.