
Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Warning: This element is experimental!

This element applies fading curves to the stream, performing fade in and fade out operations.


Add the following line to your deps in mix.exs. Run mix deps.get.

{:membrane_element_fade, github: "membraneframework/membrane-element-fade"}

Sample Usage

defmodule Fade.Pipeline do
  alias Membrane.Element.{Fade, File}
  alias Fade.Fading
  alias Membrane.Pipeline.Spec
  alias Membrane.Time
  use Membrane.Pipeline

  @impl true
  def handle_init(_) do

    fade = %Fade{
      fadings: [
        %Fading{to_level: 1, at_time: 0, duration: 2 |> Time.second(), tanh_arg_range: 0.5},
        %Fading{to_level: 0, at_time: 2 |> Time.second(), duration: 3 |> Time.second()},
        %Fading{to_level: 0.5, at_time: 6 |> Time.second(), duration: 3 |> Time.second()},
          to_level: 1,
          at_time: 10 |> Time.second(),
          duration: 3 |> Time.second(),
          tanh_arg_range: 5
        %Fading{to_level: 0, at_time: 15 |> Time.second(), duration: 10 |> Time.second()}
      initial_volume: 0,
      step_time: 2 |> Time.milliseconds()

    children = [
      file_src: %File.Source{location: "in.raw"},
      fade: fade,
      file_sink: %File.Sink{location: "out.raw"}

    links = %{
      {:file_src, :output} => {:fade, :input},
      {:fade, :output} => {:file_sink, :input}

    {{:ok, %Spec{children: children, links: links}}, %{}}

Copyright and License

Copyright 2019, Software Mansion

Software Mansion

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0