Membrane Performance Test

Membrane Performance Test checks the performance of the Membrane Core, by finding a maximal possible throughput of the linear pipeline, which doesn't lead to the messages congestion.


Test can be launched with the mix task command: mix performance_test
--mode <push|pull|autodemand>
--numberOfElements <number of elements>
--howManyTries <how many tries>
--tick <single try length [ms], default: 10_000>
--initialGeneratorFrequency <frequency of the message generator in the first run, default: 50_000 msg/s>
--chosenMetrics <comma separated list of statistic names which should be saved, default: '', available_metrics: throughput|generator_frequency|passing_time_avg|passing_time_std>
--reductions <number of reductions to be performed in each filter, while processing buffer, default: 10_000>
--shouldAdjustGeneratorFrequency, --shouldProducePlots, --shouldProvidemetricsHeader
<output directory path>

As a result, a csv file called stats.csv will be produced in the output directory path, containing the desired metrics. If --shouldProvideStatisticsHeader flag is defined, the chosen statistics names header will be present on the top of the result file. If --shouldProducePlots optional flag is defined, in that directory there will also appear a plot/ directory, with *_plot.svg files inside, which are MessagePassingTime(TimeWhenTheMessageWasSent) plots. Available metrics: throughput, generator_frequency, passing_time_avg, passing_time_std, tick, tries_counter

If --shouldAdjustGeneratorFrequency flag is set, the binary search of the optimal message generation frequency will be performed.

Some exemplary tests, defined inside the file, can be launched within the docker environment, by:

  1. mkdir results inside the root project directory
  2. Building the image: docker build -t performance_test . inside the root project directory
  3. Running the container: docker run -v `pwd`/results:/project/results/ performance_test inside the root project directory

There is also a possibility to launch a predefined ExUnit test with the following command:

mix test

The test launched with the command will compare the performance between the pipelines using the pads with push, pull, and autodemand modes. For each mode, the test will adjust the optimal frequency of message generation and later on will perform a test in order to find the maximal throughput:
ExUnit test runtime

At the end of the test, a comparison table will be printed:
ExUnit test results

Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, Software Mansion

Software Mansion

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0