This repository contains Membrane.StyleTransfer
- Membrane
filter performing style transfer on raw video frames.
It uses Ortex to run models serialized in .onnx
format and Nx to perform data pre- and postprocessing.
It's a part of the Membrane Framework.
The package can be installed by adding membrane_style_transfer_plugin
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:membrane_style_transfer_plugin, github: "membraneframework-labs/membrane_style_transfer_plugin", tag: "v0.1.0"}
Here we have 2 simple examples of usage Membrane.StyleTransfer
. Both of them take video from the camera device available in your computer, perform style transfer and present the output video in the player.
In the beginning, install necessary dependencies.
{:membrane_style_transfer_plugin, github: "membraneframework-labs/membrane_style_transfer_plugin", tag: "v0.1.0"},
{:membrane_camera_capture_plugin, "~> 0.7.2"},
{:membrane_ffmpeg_swscale_plugin, "~> 0.15.1"},
{:membrane_sdl_plugin, "~> 0.18.2"}
Add implementation of the Example
defmodule Example do
use Membrane.Pipeline
alias Membrane.FFmpeg.SWScale
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
height = opts[:output_height]
width = opts[:output_width]
spec =
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :I420})
|> child(%SWScale.Scaler{output_height: height, output_width: width})
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :RGB})
|> child(%Membrane.StyleTransfer{style: opts[:style]})
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :I420})
|> child(Membrane.SDL.Player)
{[spec: spec], %{}}
And run following script:
{:ok, _supervisor, pipeline} = Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(Example, [style: :vangogh, output_height: 400, output_width: 400])
If you see that the latency of the output video is increasing, reduce output_height
or/and output_width
If you see no increase in the latency, you can also increase the value passed in both options.
You can also change the style of played video by changing value passed in :style
option. Available styles are: :candy
, :kaganawa
, :mosaic
, :mosaic_mobile
, :picasso
, :princess
, :udnie
and :vangogh
In the previous example, we applied just one style. However, in the following example, different styles are applied in rotation after fixed time intervals.
defmodule RotatingExample do
use Membrane.Pipeline
alias Membrane.FFmpeg.SWScale
alias Membrane.StyleTransfer
@style_change_time_interval Membrane.Time.milliseconds(1_500)
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
height = opts[:output_height]
width = opts[:output_width]
first_style = :picasso
spec =
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :I420})
|> child(%SWScale.Scaler{output_height: height, output_width: width})
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :RGB})
|> child(:style_tranfer, %StyleTransfer{style: first_style})
|> child(%SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :I420})
|> child(Membrane.SDL.Player)
{[spec: spec], %{current_style: first_style}}
@impl true
def handle_playing(_ctx, state) do
{[start_timer: {:timer, @style_change_time_interval}], state}
@impl true
def handle_tick(:timer, _ctx, state) do
new_style =
|> List.delete(state.current_style)
|> Enum.random()
notification = {:set_style, new_style}
state = %{state | current_style: new_style}
{[notify_child: {:style_tranfer, notification}], state}
{:ok, _supervisor, pipeline} = Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(RotatingExample, [output_height: 400, output_width: 400])
Copyright 2024, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0