
My scripts, parser and tools for working with the geonames free Gazetteer data source. http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/

Primary LanguagePython


My scripts, parser and tools for working with the geonames free Gazetteer data source.

Data source http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/


  • Download country info list from geonames
  • Convert to json and sql
  • Select the necessary columns
  • Friendly syntax filtering
  • Easy sorting


Many projects need a list of countries. There is also a need for pre-filtering data, for example, to select only countries with a population of more than 10m or countries of Europe.

Also, different projects require different formats, for example json, sql and xml.

The goal of this project is to create a number of scripts to generate such lists of countries.

I hope someone will like it. I also hope someone writes recommendations and feature requests.


Get a list of countries in json format

python countries.py --format json 

Get a list of countries in sql format (inserts)

python countries.py --format sql --table countries

Select only columns iso and country

python countries.py --format json --columns iso country

Filter out countries with population over 125 000 000

python countries.py --format json --query 'population>=125000000' --columns iso country population

Sorting by population (DESC)

python countries.py --format json --sort 'population-' --columns iso country population

For help run

python countries.py -h