Record Label

  1. Fork and Clone this repo. Each person should fork and clone - while you are working collaboratively, we want everyone to stretch those coding muscles!
  2. Spend 10-15 minutes reviewing the existing code to become familiar with the existing functionality - don't hesitate to reach out to your instructors with questions.
  3. Once you are familiar with the application, finish writing tests for the existing classes.

Be ready to share out the tests that you have written!

  1. After you have written tests for all of the existing methods, take another look at the program and identify one additional class that could improve the re-usability and extendability (the ease or difficulty of adding features) of the code. To help you think through this, you can start by answering the following questions:
    • Is there any code that is repeated often?
    • What if we want to track more information about songs, like length or genre?
    • Is there additional information that would be useful about an album? There is no "right" class to build - there are a lot of ways we could improve this code. The important thing to focus on is the idea generation!
  2. Implement the class that you decided on, and make sure that all of its methods are tested! This will require you to change the code in Program.cs to maintain the functionality of the application; that's ok! Refactoring often requires small tweaks to how the classes and methods are used in the application.