
Unofficial LaTeX class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae

Primary LanguageTeX


Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae


This class is an unofficial LaTeX implementation of the Europass CV, the standard model for curriculum vitae as recommended by the European Commission.

The Europass CV replaces the European CV, launched in 2002. In 2013 a major revision of the Europass CV came out, featuring a neater, more compact and somewhat fancier layout. This class is an implementation of the 2013 version of that layout.

⚠️ At the moment this class does not implement the newest europass layouts that were launched in 2020.

The Europass CV defines both the content and the layout of a curriculum vitae. The europasscv class provides support for the latter, and for the former as far as personal information, spoken languages and digital competences are concerned. This class tries to be as close as possible to the standard model without sacrificing flexibility.


This ma­te­rial is sub­ject to the LaTeX Project Public Li­cense Version 1.3.


Please install the europasscv package through the package manager of your TeX distribution or download it from CTAN.

How to use

Please refer to the documentation for instructions on how to use the class.


Source packages and trees available on github come with a Makefile that is needed to convert svg images into pdfs. Please run make to build pdf icons, examples and documentation. You need to have inkscape installed on your system in order to convert the icons.