This project replicates an issue whereby SELinux is blocking the mail() function when executed via nginx/php-fpm. Please review the task and advise us of the correct SELinux rules to fix the problem.
Launch the vagrant project and access via http://localhost:4567/test.php
vagrant up
Enter your email address on the form and send a test email. The email should be blocked by SELinux, and not get sent. We can use the contents of the audit log with audit2allow to create an SELinux policy the permit the operation.
Now, enter the vagrant box:
vagrant ssh
Check the maillog /var/log/maillog
we can see the following error:
Nov 26 16:49:15 localhost postfix/sendmail[3195]: fatal: open /etc/postfix/ Permission denied
Make SELinux permissive so we trigger all violations
sudo setenforce 0
Send another test email. This time it should work, but it will record a number of SE policy exceptions in the audit log. We can send these to audit2allow to create a policy, load the policy and then renable SELinux enforcing.
sudo grep postfix /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M sendmail-main-cf
sudo semodule -i sendmail-main-cf.pp
sudo setenforce 1
In theory, this should now allow an email to be sent, but if you try again it won't work. Instead we see a new error in the mail log /var/log/maillog
Nov 26 17:08:48 localhost postfix/sendmail[3458]: fatal: setrlimit: Permission denied
This can be fixed with:
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1