
Replicates any database (CDC events) to Apache Iceberg (To Cloud Storage)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

License contributions welcome Java CI

Debezium Iceberg Consumer

This project adds iceberg consumer to Debezium Server. It could be used to replicate database CDC changes to Iceberg table (Cloud Storage, HDFS) in realtime, without requiring Spark, Kafka or Streaming platform. It's possible to consume data append or upsert modes.

More detail available in Documentation Page Also, check caveats for better understanding the current limitation and proper workaround

Debezium Iceberg

Install from source

  • Requirements:
    • JDK 11
    • Maven
  • Clone from repo: git clone https://github.com/memiiso/debezium-server-iceberg.git
  • From the root of the project:
    • Build and package debezium server: mvn -Passembly -Dmaven.test.skip package
    • After building, unzip your server distribution: unzip debezium-server-iceberg-dist/target/debezium-server-iceberg-dist*.zip -d appdist
    • cd into unzipped folder: cd appdist
    • Create application.properties file and config it: nano conf/application.properties, you can check the example configuration in application.properties.example
    • Run the server using provided script: bash run.sh

Debezium python runner

It's possible to use python to run,operate debezium server


pip install git+https://github.com/memiiso/debezium-server-iceberg.git@master#subdirectory=python
# running with custom arguments
debezium --debezium_dir=/my/debezium_server/dir/ --java_home=/my/java/homedir/
from debezium import Debezium

d = Debezium(debezium_dir="/dbz/server/dir", java_home='/java/home/dir')
java_args = []
from debezium import DebeziumRunAsyn

java_args = []
d = DebeziumRunAsyn(debezium_dir="/dbz/server/dir", java_home='/java/home/dir', java_args=java_args)


The Memiiso community welcomes anyone that wants to help out in any way, whether that includes reporting problems, helping with documentation, or contributing code changes to fix bugs, add tests, or implement new features. See contributing document for details.
