
For the BT2201 CSS workshop

BT2201 Task CSS



The focus this week is on CSS. Like last week you have to add html files yourself.


The quick way...

If you like you can create documents and edit them directly in GitHub's web interface. This is a very convenient way of creating and editing the files.

If you want to test your files (especially in the future when we've started using PHP) you should upload them to your web space on bimserver2.com.

The preferred way...

The preferred way of working is to create and edit the files on your own machine.

Workshop Workflow

To get the repository to your own machine you can use GitHub Desktop or link your GitHub account to PHPStorm (there are many more ways but these two are very convenient).

  • You then upload these files to bimserver2 for testing.
  • You commit changes and push the commits to your GitHub account to create a history of the changes over time.
  • You can work on several machines and use commits as a way of keeping the files on different machines up to date.


Below is today's task. Make sure you add all files you create for this task to the same repository as the readme document you are currently reading.

  • Add at least three of the html files you have created in previous weeks to this repository.

  • Add CSS to your pages. Use all three different ways we've discussed in class. How you use CSS to format your page is up to you.

  • Find out how to use CSS to draw a box with rounded corners around a paragraph of text and add it to one of your pages.

  • Add the final URL on bimserver2.com to a comment at the top of your files, like we did on the previous week. The comment was in line 2.

  • Give the page(s) a meaningful title (<title></title>).

  • Upload the file(s) to your area on bimserver2.com.

  • ☞Content, file and folder names are up to you.

You are welcome to copy and paste HTML from my lecture slides, but the quotes might need changing from opening double quotes (“) and closing double quotes (”) to straight double quotes (").

Commit early, commit often - that way you can go back if you have made a mistake and I can see all the work you have done. There's no problem if you commit and there's a mistake in your file.

Once you are done be sure to commit your changes (that will save them to the repository) and to push them to GitHub (so that I can see the work you have done).