
For BT2201

Primary LanguagePHP

BT2201 Rectangle


Create a PHP script, or series of scripts, that can calculate the surface area of a rectangle. Just to spell it out: the area of a rectangle is the product of the two sides. All values entered will be in centimetres.

##Additional Information

bimserver2.com <> repository

As usual your scripts have to be on bimserver2.com and the URL(s) for the file(s) on bimserver2.com must be in your scripts. Files in your repository and bimserver2.com have to be identical. Please work with GitHub Desktop or PHPStorm. Experience has shown that students who try to copy and paste their code into GitHub using the web interface tend to make copy and paste mistakes and the files in the repository and on the server won't be the same.

Here's a quick recap how to keep everything 'in sync':

To get the repository to your own machine you can use GitHub Desktop (which is available in Application Catalogue!) or link your GitHub account to PHPStorm (there are many more ways but these two are very convenient).

  • You then upload these files to bimserver2 for testing.
  • You commit changes and push the commits to your GitHub account to create a history of the changes over time.
  • You can work on several machines and use commits as a way of keeping the files on different machines up to date.

I have added some file you can use to this repository. If they don't fit how you want to work please create your own files.

###Documentation Documentation can be in the form of comments in your script or in the separate documentation.md file.

###Other Tips Commit early, commit often - that way you can go back if you have made a mistake and I can see all the work you have done. It is not a problem if you commit and there's a mistake in your file in an early commit.

Once you are done be sure to commit your changes (that will save them to the repository) and to push them to GitHub (so that I can see the work you have done).

You have to work on this task individually, not with other students, and shouldn't show the final version of your files to other students.

As explained previously our web hoster changed the way errors are being handled. Please refer to my email from 27 April 2018 if you want to switch back to the old way of displaying PHP errors.