
Crude is a flexible data management system based on MongoDB, Python Flask and JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Crude 1.0

a 1.6k loc project.

This is a very flexible but crude Tool, like a hammer. It's a thin wrapper around mongodb. It is very easy to create new models and all the crud pages will be auto-generated. You can access all the data via a powerful command line tool similar to Apple's Spotlight. Of course all the crud operations are also exposed via a JSON API.


  • CRUD with a simplified and flexible schema that can be defined at run-time
  • Automatic JSON API for all the data
  • Passwordless login via Sign In with Ethereum
  • Deployed via container
  • Web based command line interface for navigation and search
  • Add multiple data models at once at run-time by copy-pasting a JSON schema
  • Supports custom indices and unique constraints
  • Supports required fields
  • Drop in custom fields


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  • Instant Backend for Mobile Apps
  • Knowledge Base
  • Collection Management System
  • Much more...

Nice to have

  • More keyboard shortcuts


  • API Client that supports SiWe

Out of Scope

  • SSL / TLS (use a reverse proxy)
  • Special Field Types (these are too use-case specific)
  • Display Names for Field or Models (a client should allow for this=

Thoughts on Logic and UI

Logic could reside completely on the client side and just use crude for reading and writing to the database. Logic could be implemented in a naked objects/functions pattern.

UI could ke keyboard oriented, trying to mimic text based mainframe interfaces. UI could be completely visual with a windows based UI and drag and drop.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Space -> Open crude command line interface

Context Related Shortcuts

On a "read" page:

"e" -> Edit the entry

Custom field types

  1. Add implementation for custom field type in crude/fields in a .py file.
  2. Add template macros for custom field type in crude/templates/fields

The filenames without the extension must match.

display_template and display_fields

display_fields is always needed and defaults to all fields.

display_template is optional and defaults to the " ".join(field) implementation.

If display_template is defined, display_fields should contain all the fields being used by display_template.

Relationships & Indexes

This example with two models can be copy-pasted into the create model form in crude.

The "indexes" list supports entry with full index syntax of mongodb (see: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/).

The "fts_index_fields" just takes a list of field names and creates a full text index on them.

This example also shows how to use setup relationships.

A relationship is defined by setting the field.type to "related" and adding a key for the "related_model".

If you want to make the reciprocal relationship visible on the other model, you can add a key for the "foreign_relations" on that model.

You can add the reverse relationships there by specifying the "related_model" and "related_field" keys.

[{ "name": "users", "indexes": [ { "keys": {"email": 1}, "options": {"unique": true} } ], "fts_index_fields": ["name", "email"], "fields": [ { "name": "name", "type": "text" "required": true }, { "name": "my_customers", "type": "related", "related_model": "customers" }, { "name": "email", "type": "email" } ] }, { "name": "customers", "fields": [ { "name": "name", "type": "text" } ], "foreign_relations": [ { "name": "works_for", "related_model": "users", "related_field": "my_customers" } ] }]

Compound IDs

References to related entries are stored in a so called compound ID. This is a string that contains the model name and the ID of the related entry.

For example: products/62e02a681841fe7d8364f830 or companies/62e02a5c1841fe7d8364f82f

Valid Field Types

'related', 'checkbox', 'color', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'email', 'file', 'hidden', 'image', 'month', 'number', 'password', 'range', 'tel', 'text', 'time', 'url', 'week'