
A lightweight abstraction layer around nginx and lego

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight abstraction layer around nginx and lego

Homepage / Demo: https://textzentrisch.de/pages/ngman/


  • Launch a new website with a single command
  • Supports static locations
  • Supports reverse proxy locations
  • Simplified declarative or imperative configuration
  • Automatic SSL certificate generation and renewal

It basically aims at making nginx as easy to configure as Caddy. At least regarding the specific use-cases of static site hosting and reverse proxying.


  1. A linux (Ubuntu 22.04) based web-server with root shell access
  2. A domain name pointing to the ip address of the web-server

NOTE: Currently the setup.sh script uses apt to install podman. It should also work correctly if you just pre-install podman via your package manager of choice and then run setup.sh script.

In combination with podman and a pre-configured nginx container, you can do some pretty cool stuff. These examples use a container that has been built from the ngman/Nginx subdirectory.

The container can be found here: https://github.com/memmaker/ngman/pkgs/container/nginx

Self-hosted HTTPS static content in three steps

1. Setup a Web Server
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/memmaker/ngman/main/setup.sh | sh -s <your-acme-mail>

2. Add a site with the respective domain
ngman add-site <your-domain>

3. Publish your content
echo "It Works" > /var/www/<your-domain>/index.html

You can now visit https://<your-domain>/ in the browser and will see "It Works".

Self-hosted HTTPS reverse proxy in three steps

1. Setup a Web Server
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/memmaker/ngman/main/setup.sh | sh -s <your-acme-mail>

2. Startup your service container
podman run --name webserver --network podnet -dt docker.io/library/httpd:alpine

3. Add your service to ngman
ngman add-proxy <your-domain> webserver:80

You can now visit https://<your-domain>/ in the browser and will see "It Works".

Adding new sites locations

You can add additional virtual hosts to your web server by using the respective command:

ngman add-site <your-domain>
ngman add-location <your-domain> /static /var/www/<your-domain>/static
ngman add-proxy <your-domain> webserver:80

These will

  • update your site's configuration,
  • write a new nginx configuration file,
  • make sure that the SSL certificate is available
  • and reload the nginx container.

Alternatively you can also edit the configuration file directly:

ngman edit <your-domain>

What does setup.sh do?

  1. Installs podman
  2. Generate DH parameters for HTTPS
  3. Set up permissions for the shared folders
  4. Set up a container network with DNS support
  5. Start a pre-configured nginx container that includes lego
  6. Set up a cronjob for automatic SSL certificate renewal

Concepts of ngman

A site is uniquely identified by the domain name.

This tool supports two types of locations: static & proxy.

A site can have multiple static and proxy locations.

The configuration and state of this tool is kept under its config directory. By default, that is "~/.ngman/" and the tool will create it on first start. I am using TOML as the configuration format.

The config directory also needs to contain "nginx.txt", the file with all the partial templates. You can easily adapt that file to your needs to adjust the nginx configurations created.

For every site that it manages the tool will create a file in the ~/.ngman/sites/ directory.

You can always re-create all the nginx config files by running ngman write-all.

Global settings (config.toml)

Example config.toml file in a production environment:

CertificateRootPath = '/ssl/certificates'
SiteStorageDirectory = '/root/.ngman/sites'
NginxSiteConfigDirectory = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled'
TemplateFile = '/root/.ngman/nginx.txt'
PostRunCommand = 'service nginx reload'
GenerateCertCommand = 'create_ssl_cert'


The path to the directory where the SSL certificates are stored. The files are expected to conform to the following naming scheme:



The path to the directory where the TOML site configuration files are stored. Must be writable by the user executing the tool.


This is the main output directory for the nginx config files.


The path to the file that contains the nginx config templates.

The template language used is Go's text/template.


ngman will try to execute this command after it has made any changes to nginx configuration files.


ngman will try to execute this command when it needs to generate a new SSL certificate. It will pass the respective domain name as the first argument.


ngman list                                                               
ngman create <domain> <root-path>                   
ngman add-static <domain> <root-path> <uri-location>                     
ngman add-proxy <domain> <endpoint> <uri-location>                       
ngman edit <domain>                                                      
ngman delete <domain>                                                    
ngman write-all

Advanced Usage

Enable automated startup on reboot

This little script will create a systemd unit file, enabling automatic startup of the nginx container on reboot.

mkdir -p "$HOME"/.config/systemd/user

if [ ! -f "$HOME"/.config/systemd/user/nginx.service ]; then
    echo "Creating systemd service for nginx"
    podman generate systemd --restart-policy=always -t 1 ngx > "$HOME"/.config/systemd/user/nginx.service
    systemctl --user enable nginx.service
    sudo loginctl enable-linger

PHP-FPM Support

You can add the key UsePHP to a site config to enable PHP-FPM support.


Domain = 'example.org'
RootPath = '/var/www/example'
UsePHP = true # <-- this is the important part

ngman will then insert the template called "php-fpm-support" from the "nginx.txt" file into the nginx configuration of that site.

Misc. Options

The TOML files for the site configuration also allow adding an array of miscellaneous options to the nginx config file.

Every string to be found in the array called "MiscOptions" in a site configuration will be inserted as a single line into the nginx config file.


Domain = 'example.com'
RootPath = '/var/www/example.com'
MiscOptions = [
    'gzip on',
    'gzip_disable "msie6"',
    'gzip_vary on',
    'gzip_proxied any'

Note: The semicolon is appended automatically in the config template.


When creating the nginx configuration files, ngman also looks into a directory called chunks for files named like the domain name.

config.SiteStorageDirectory + "/chunks/" + domain
eg. example.org -> /root/.ngman/sites/chunks/example.org

These configuration chunks are inserted into the nginx site configuration file as is. This mechanism can be used for further customizations of individual sites.

Wildcard certificate support

ngman will assume that any subdomain will require a wildcard certificate.

So if you add a site with a domain like "example.org" a normal LetsEncrypt certificate will be generated.

However, if you add a site with a domain like "sub.example.org" a wildcard certificate will be generated and used.

Subsequent sites with a domain like "foo.example.org" will then also use the same wildcard certificate.

NOTE: In order to use wildcard support, you will have to provide the file "~/.ngman/dnsprovider.env". This file should contain the credentials for your DNS provider.

See lego's documentation for more information.


root@dallas:~/.ngman# cat dnsprovider.env

For your convenience, I have provided the script that I use for setting this up:

mkdir -m 2774 "$HOME"/.ngman
printf "DNS_PROVIDER=dode\nDODE_TOKEN=12345678901234677" > "$HOME"/.ngman/dnsprovider.env
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/memmaker/ngman/main/setup.sh | sh -s "$EMAIL"

You would have to replace the information of the DNS provider with your own.

Standalone usage of ngman

NOTE: ALL THE FOLLOWING IS ALREADY INCLUDED AND AUTOMATED IN THE setup.sh file and corresponding nginx container

I suggest using lego in combination with podman for certificate generation. You can then do something like this

create_ssl_cert () {
    podman run \
    -v /ssl:/lego \
    goacme/lego \
    --accept-tos \
    --path /lego \
    --email [YOUR-EMAIL] \
    --dns dode \
    --domains "$@" \

Which will create a command as expected by ngman, where you just have to provide a domain name as argument.

For certificate renewal, I suggest something like this

for keyfile in $(sudo ls /ssl/certificates/ | grep key)
    renew_ssl_cert "${replaced%.*}" >> /tmp/cert.log

Where renew_ssl_cert is the same as create_ssl_cert, but with the run command replaced by renew.


mkdir ~/.ngman > /dev/null 2>&1;
cd ~/.ngman && \
wget https://github.com/memmaker/ngman/releases/latest/download/nginx.txt && \
wget https://github.com/memmaker/ngman/releases/latest/download/ngman_${ARCH}.zip && \ 
unzip ngman_${ARCH}.zip && rm ngman_${ARCH}.zip && \
mv ngman_${ARCH} /usr/local/bin/ngman && popd


rm -rf ~/.ngman && rm /usr/local/bin/ngman

Setting DNS resolver for containers

ngman will set the DNS resolver for all reverse proxy locations, if it detects the NGMAN_PROXY_RESOLVER environment variable.



NOTE: This will be applied on write, so the environment variable must be set then.