
machine learning project by Marius Memmel, Lea Schneider, Clemens Ulbrich & Paul Hermany


original dataset

kaggle dataset (used)


Clone the repository and run the first cell in the base_functions_setup notebook. This will install all the needed packages. After the installation, run the other cells to check if the dataset is integrated correctly.

The main notebook is called heart_jupyter_notebook_master. It contains the work done by our group.


  1. Data Import
  2. Data Exploration & Visualization
  3. Preprocessing
  4. Modeling
  • Dummy Classifier
  • SGDC (Linear) Classifier
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • K-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier
  1. Summary
  2. Additional Models
  • XGBoost
  • Neural Net with Keras


To present the project, a website was set up. The source code can be found in the /website directory. For the design the Evie template by unDraw was used. The website can be accesed under this link.


The notebook can also be found on Kaggle.