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Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

i8086emu README
 i8086emu Copyright (c) 2004 By Joerg Mueller-Hipper, Robert Dinse, Fred Brodmueller, Christian Steineck

 This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption
 that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed. You may
 provide binary packages linked to the OpenSSL libraries, provided that
 all other requirements of the GPL are met. 
 See file COPYING for details.
What is it?
i8086emu is an multi-platform emulator for the Intel 8086 microprocessor. 
It has support for dynamically loadable device plugins and some peripherals like a 
PIT, PIC, 8-segment-displays, buttons and leds. i8086emu comes with an ncurses and 
an GTK-2 gui. i8086emu should run on most linux distributions and cygwin environments.

Feel free to report bugs, feature requests or comments to perrin_@users.sourceforge.net


$ cd i8086emu_lnx
$ ./configure
$ cd src

  [Optional] GUI
  $ cd src
  $ make i8086gui

 * GTK+ 2.0 or higher (this is available at http://www.gtk.org).
 * gcc 2.95 or higher
 * nasm or other assembler for compiling asm-source files (available at http://nasm.sourceforge.net)
 * for using the i8086beep.so (plugin for accessing the pc-speaker via asm) a suid'ed beep is necessary (http://www.johnath.com/beep)
 * for compiling this source under Win32 a cygwin installation is required - or just use our win32 binary package :o)
Release Notes:
* on some misconfigured systems the antialiasing-feature of GTK makes some trouble ... for fixing this change the USEXFT option in
  the ~/.emu.cfg
* up-to-date information about this release can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/i8086emu/
* only plain 16bit-binarys (commonly known as COM files, no ELF or EXE) are supported

Autoloading Plugins
* i8086emu autoloads plugin librarys if they are specified in ~/.emu.cfg. Remember incrementing the DEVICECOUNT option
  when adding a plugin.
Ncurses text-version of i8086emu
* for using the text version comment in the ROM-lines in ~/.emu.cfg and comment out the core.dmp - line
* use i8086text for running the text-version of our emulator with the following command line parameters:

i8086text [Options] filename
 -c 		-> disables the disassembler - window
 -oXXXXh 	-> startaddress where filename is loaded to in the i8086 memory
 -r XXXXh file 	-> when loading a rom file this specifies the CodeSegment value
 -d file 	-> load memory dumpfile
 --version 	-> print version information
 --help		-> print help information
 Shortcuts while running the emu:
 q       -         quit emulator
 r       -         change content of registers
 w       -         change content of memory
 m       -         change startaddress of displayed memory
 F1      -         some help
 F2      -         set a breakpointaddress
 F3      -         make coredump of current memory
 F7      -         trace/single step
 F8      -         next/step over
 F9      -         run loaded program (until breakpoint or until end)
 F12     -         CPU reset - jump to rom routines
 0-7     -         switch the buttons
 a-f	 -	   press keyboard keys (note - keyboard is hidden ;op)
GTK2 gui-version of i8086emu
* use i8086gui for running the gui-version of our emulator 

 here is a list of shortcuts:
 CTRL + O	-	Open file
 CTRL + Q	-	Quit
 CTRL + M	-	change memory content
 CTRL + R	-	change registers
 CTRL + B	-	set breakpoints
 ALT + 0-9	-	keys of the keyboard unit
 ALT + a-f	-	keys of the keyboard unit
 F7		-	trace/single step
 F8		-	next/step over
 F9		-	run
 ESC		-	stop
Config file
 * well I think if you downloaded this piece of goodness you will find the emu.cfg self-explaining ;op
 * hint: never use core.dmp and rom at the same time

HOWTO write plugins for i8086emu
 * currently the plugin API consists of only a few functions - may be this API will grow in the future
 * the concept of this API is to register MSG-Handler functions to some events
 * first function which has to be implemented in every plugin:
 void DeviceInit(i8086DeviceCalls *calls)
 -	this function is called when the plugin is loaded and should init the MsgHandler functions
 * a MsgHandler function should have the following prototype:
 void MsgHandler(unsigned short msg, unsigned int hParam, unsigned int lParam)
    - msg could be one of the constants, defined in i8086messages.h
 * there are 2 more optional functions which we recommend you to implement
    void DeviceReset() - this function is called everytime the CPU-Reset button is hit and should bring 
    your device in a state of harmony or any kind of standard state;op
    void DeviceClose() - is called if the emu is closed and should free all used ressources
 * for examples on how to write a plugin please look in src/devices - think you will figure it out more easily by taking
   a look at our sources
 * hint: the plugins have to be linked against i8086error.o i8086messages.o and i8086util.o so far

The dissambler code (src/disasm) was actually taken from NASM 0.98.38 (http://nasm.sourceforge.net)
Thanks to the NASM team :)