
MV2K-Mastodon-Script-Collection - Forks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tampermonkey / Greasemonkey Mastodon Script Collection

(forked for the MV2K website)


  • Little userscript to change the text of the publish-button in Mastodon web-ui.

Source: https://github.com/phpmacher/mastodon-publish-button

Stylus CSS script for Mastodon browser display

  • 3 column layout. Tighter text display.

Source: https://codeberg.org/jayrope/Mastodon.Client_CSS_for_Stylus_or_Greasemonkey

Fluid Mastodon

  • Mastodon, taking all available width, assuming 3 columns.

Source: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/30240-fluid-mastodon/code


  • Resizable columns in mastodon

Source: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/454111-resize-o-don/code

Mastodon status visibility color script

  • Fix Mastodon4 UI and bring back blue theme A script to fix new Mastodon UI issues (mobile lateral bar, writing frame marging…) and/or switch back to the previous blue theme (or any color you like)

  • Mastodon status visibility color script A GreaseMonkey script that allows you to adjust your Mastodon status visibility icon color (or background color). For instance the Direct Messages icon color and background color (by default restored to the different look that was used before Mastodon 3.3.3).

Source: https://framagit.org/Lapineige/mastodon-status-visibility-color-script/


  • Ths script makes Mastodon a bit nicer.

Source: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/khzimmer/MastodonHelper/source

Mastodon Monotext

  • Add limited markdown-like formatting capabilities to mastodon using unicode

Source: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/mightypork/Mastodon_Monotext/source

Mastodon full width columns

Source: https://gist.github.com/rashfael/b0fa9c7ffff1cf44bc7639269440a026

Secondary Toot Button

  • Generates a secondary toot button that allows unlisted toots in one shot without displaying the disclosure range dialog.

Source: https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/371734-secondary-toot-button