
Graphique library used for my students

Primary LanguageC



The libGraph library provides a collection of functions for a C++ student project. The goals is to provide an easy schema to fastly implement game engine and graphics. Using easy high level methods.


For the linux users, you will need free-glut.

 - sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

Into the include directory, remove the directory GL.


You will use inheritance from ControlEngineBase, GameEngineBase and GraphicEngineBase to override the graphic, control and game callbacks.


This class provides 8 methods to override for the interactions.

- virtual void KeyboardCallback(unsigned char key,int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle keyboard pression.

- virtual void KeyboardReleaseCallback(unsigned char key,int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle keyboard release.

- virtual void specialCallback(int key,int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle special keyboard pression.

- virtual void MouseCallback(int button, int state, int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle mousse button.

- virtual void MotionCallback(int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle the active mouse motion.

- virtual void PassiveMotionCallback(int x, int y);

Which we will "override" to handle the passive mouse motion.

- virtual void MouseEntry(int state);

Which we will "override" to handle the mouse entry.

- virtual void JoystickCallback(unsigned int buttonMask, int x, int y, int z);

Which we will "override" to handle a controller.

If you need some informations about this methods and their arguments, go on the official documentation glut, libGraph is based on: - https://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/spec3/node45.html


This class provides only one method, but a fundamental one. The IDLE callback: - virtual void idle();

This idle methods is called every time their is nothing to do. This method has to be overrided.


This class provides 2 methods: - virtual void Draw(); Which has to be "override" and which contains all the GraphicPrimitives call.

- virtual void reshape(int width, int height);

Which has to be "override" and which is call each time the windows is resized.


This class provides all the drawing methods: - static void drawFillRect2D(float x,float y,float width,float height,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f); Draw a filled rectangle in (x,y) with width and height and with color r,g,b,a.

- static void drawOutlinedRect2D(float x,float y,float width,float height,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

Draw a outlined rectangle in (x,y) with width and height and with color r,g,b,a.

- static void drawLine2D(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

Draw a line from the point (x1,y1) to the point (x2,y2) and with color r,g,b,a

- static void drawFillTriangle2D(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

Draw a triangle with this 3 points and with color r,g,b,a

- static void drawOutlinedPolygone2D(std::vector<float> &x,std::vector<float> &y,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

Draw a outlined polygone.

- static void drawFillPolygone2D(std::vector<float> &x,std::vector<float> &y,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

Draw a filled polygone.

- static void drawText2D(char * str,float x,float y,float r,float g, float b,float a = 1.0f);

write text on the screen.

Simple example

Check my other repository useLibGraph, their is an example of application which is based on 3 classes.


which will override:

-virtual void MouseCallback(int button, int state, int x, int y);

Which adds butterflies on click.


which will override:

- virtual void idle();

which only make butterflies move.


which will override:

- virtual void Draw();

which will draw the butterflies

Project using this library

- https://github.com/lukesmolo/STD

- https://github.com/lukesmolo/MDACS