
Amazon-like storefront living in MySQL. The app takes orders from customers and depletes stock from the store's inventory.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Amazon-like storefront living in MySQL. The app takes orders from customers and depletes stock from the store's inventory.

Value Proposition 🎯

Storefront running on node.js! This application allows you to provide a interface for customers to buy on and branch managers to handle inventory on (Inventory Worksheet). Customers are able to browse through a list of items for something they need or want. On the Manager side, four functions are present:

  • A view of items for sale.
  • A view of items that are low on inventory.
  • Add to inventory for a specific item feature
  • Add new item to list feature

Instructions 📝

  • Start by running either node bamazonCustomer for customers or node bamazonManager for managers.
  • Props will appear guiding users inside the UI.

Code Overview 🌳

The most import piece of code on this repository resides on the bamazonManager.js file. A switch statement which handles all four features inside the program:

    switch (res.choice) {
        case "View Products for Sale":
            return productsForSale();
        case "View Low Inventory":
            return viewLowInv();
        case "Add to Inventory":
            return addToInv();
        case "Add New Product":
            return addNewProduct();

Along side the mysql npm package to handle the conneciton to the DB that holds the data, the inquirer package which asks for user input and the table npm package modeling the tables inside the terminal.

Prerequisites 💻

Working web browser (e.g Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.) from the list of browser that support jQuery (https://jquery.com/browser-support/):

  • Desktop:

    • Chrome: (Current - 1) and Current
    • Edge: (Current - 1) and Current
    • Firefox: (Current - 1) and Current, ESR
    • Internet Explorer: 9+
    • Safari: (Current - 1) and Current
    • Opera: Current
  • Mobile

    • Stock browser on Android 4.0+
    • Safari on iOS 7+

    You'll also need to install inquirer package, mysql package, table package and node on your client by running the following on your terminal:

    npm i inquirer
    npm i mysql
    npm i table
    brew install node

Example Images 📷

Bamazon Customer UI


Bamazon Manager UI

Bamazon_Manager1 Bamazon_Manager2 Bamazon_Manager3 Bamazon_Manager4