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Primary LanguageJava

Software Crafting Training Notes

These notes taken from Sandro Mancuso's training who author of The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride. This course includes flowing contents

  • TDD Lifecycle and Naming
  • Classicist TDD / Chicago School TDD
  • Outside-In TDD / London school TDD
  • Acceptance tests
  • Testing & Refactoring Legacy Code

Tdd - Stack Kata

  1. Test Names

    void pop_the_last_element_pushed();
    void pop_the_elements_reverse_order_they_were_pushed();
    void throw_stack_empty_exception_if_popped_when_empty();
  • The test names describe the behavior of the class, from a client's perspective. They do not describe internal behavior ( i.e. add item to tge top of the list, removing item from the list etc.)
  • Test names clearly explain the behavior of a Stack, even for those who are not so technical.
  • Domain language used in the name of the methods: pop and push. They are both used as verb.
  1. Exception Name

if (elements.isEmpty()){
     throw new EmptyStackException();
  • Exceptions are part of the contract. It allows client to understand what went wrong.
  • Exceptions should be clear enough to avoid to developers to have to debug the code. They should not look inside our code in order to understand what went wrong.
  1. Constants & Clean Tests

    public static final String TEST = "test";
    public static final String TEST_2 = "test2";
  • Constants are used to clarify intent, not optimise the code.
  • Variable declarations are removed from the test method. They crate a lot of noise.
  • Only code that is important for the test remains in the test. Everything else is removed.
  • Tests must tell a story and be very focused.
  1. Consistency

  • Elements: Name of parameters, constants, internal attributes uses the same language.
  1. How many tests?

  • Enough so that you and your pair are confident you have all the functionality covered and a bug cannot be introduced without breaking a test.
  • Push 2, pop 3: This test should go green if introduced now. Every time a test goes green we should ask if we need the test. In doubt, write the test.
  • Don't over do it. We can make the last test to create random elements and then pop, instead of using only 2 elements. It is worthy? What is the likelihood of someone having the wrong implementation with the existing solution?

Tdd - Roman Numerals Converter Kata

    @CsvSource(value = {
            "1, I" ...
  • In cases like this, use a parameterised test. They are good for when you have multiple examples of the same behaviour.
  • Here we assume that Roman Numerals is a common domain and the mechanics of the numeric system does not need to be explained by tests.
  • If we were creating our own numeric system, we probably would create separate tests explaining its different characteristics.

Tdd with Mocks - Payment Service Kata

Acceptance Tests - Bank Kata