A dynamically adjustable scoring calculator with a lighthouse style data visualization. Get a score between 0 to 100 from data, with dynamically adjustable target value, a from -5 to +5 adjustable bias , and a self adjusting weighting system.
const config = {
categoryCount: 4,// number of category
categoryNames: ["Time", "Cost", "Efficiency", "Personell"],//category title to display
categoryUnits: ["s", "€", "%", "P"],// category unit to display
categoryTargets: [10, 20, 100, 0],// target value to which a data Point in the data set should converge
categorySteps: [1, 0.01, 0.01, 1],//how big on step on the slider should be
categoryDirections: [1, 1, -1, 1],// 1: data point > target value; -1: data point < target value
categoryGrains: [1, 1, 1, 1],// fine tune to the acceptable difference between data point and target value ( IMPORTANT: g !== 0 always)!
categoryEvaluations: ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"], // how should the score of a category be calculated
categoryWeightPresets: [25, 25, 25, 25], // presets
categoryColors: ["#FF1D15", "#0075FF", "#61E786", "#ffbb00", "#FCC217", "#AA3E98", "#34F6F2"], // define the circle colors
To calculate a single category Score, the main principle is the difference between the categoryTarget
and the actual categoryValue
. Things to note are as follows:
can not be dynamically adjusted by the front end user, because it is a measured value in open world. -
is adjustable, with themin
value automatically being set to thecategoryValue
. Should thecategoryValue >= categoryTarget
thecategoryDirection = 1
. E.g. the category goal is it to optimize the measured process for as little time as possible). If set correctly thecategoryTarget
cannot be set bigger than thecategoryValue
. The Result is the adjustablecategoryTarget
will automatically stop atmax = categoryValue
. Now The other way around: Should thecategoryValue <= categoryTarget
thecategoryDirection = -1
. E.g. the category goal is it to optimize the measured process for the hightest efficiency possible. If set correctly thecategoryTarget
cannot be set smaller than thecategoryValue
. The Result is the adjustablecategoryTarget
will automatically stop atmin = categoryValue
. -
can be adjusted, which affects the overall score, but not thecategoryScore
! When adjusting onecategoryWeight
all the othercategoryWeight
will adjust accordingly, so:$$\sum_{i=1}^c categoryScore_i = 1 = 100%$$ For ease of use the lowest individual
is 0.01 %. This ensures, that nocategoryWeight
will be stuck at 0%. Due to the nature of using linear Algebra (more specific Matrix calculations) for calculation the weights. Depending on the number of categories, if one category reaches 0% it will stay at 0% and the other weight will compensate, which is an unwanted effect -
is adjustable, with thecategoryBias
accepting any value between$bias ∈ [-5 , 5] , bias ∈ Z$ . If0 < categoryBias < 5
means, you favor the category and therefore giving it a better score. If thecategoryBias == 5
thecategoryScore ≅ 1 ≅ 100%
. If you set-5 < categoryBias < 0
means, you disfavor the category and therefore giving it a worse score. If thecategoryBias == -5
thecategoryScore ≅ 0 ≅ 0%
. To control how the bias impacts thecategoryScore
there are three different option which must be chosen in theconfig
. There are three evaluation methods:-
linear: s(v) returns a score with 0 >=
<= 1000 , dependent on thecategoryTarget
$t$ , the actualcategoryValue
$v$ ,categoryBias
$b$ ,categoryDirection
$p$ and thecategoryGrain
$g$ , which should be set to relative resolution, which ís dependent on the use case, i.e. when running a marathon anything from 10 seconds to 10 minutes would be the grain, on the other hand when running a 100m dash the grain would be 0.5 Seconds to 0.005 Seconds.$$b\in[-5,5];\ b \in Z;\ \ \ t \le v \vee t \ge v; \ \ \ p \in [-1,1]; \ p \in Z\ \ \ t,v,g \in R$$ $$s(v)=f(-h(v))+f(h(v))(-b_1h(v)+1)+f(h(v- \frac{1}{pb_1}))(b_1h(v))-1)+500$$ $$f(v) = \frac{1000}{π} arctan(999999v)$$ $$h(v) = p(v-t)$$ $$b_1 = \frac{b-5.001}{-b-5.001} \frac{1}{g_1}\ \ \ g_1 = 2g$$ In this example
(the blue line) is set to 200 andcategoryValue
(the red line) is set to 700. BecausecategoryValue
is +1.categoryBias
shall be 0 and thecategoryGrain
is set to 500. By design if thecategoryValue == categoryGrain - categoryTarget
shall always be 500(purple line) -
To calculate the overall Score all categoryScore
values are used to get the average, which then is being modified to be a score between 0 and 100