
:shopping_cart: Shopping cart for Laravel Application.

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Laravel Shopping Cart

Shopping cart for Laravel Application.

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$ composer require "overtrue/laravel-shopping-cart:~2.0"

or add the following line to your project's composer.json:

"require": {
    "overtrue/laravel-shopping-cart": "~2.0"


$ composer update

After completion of the above, add the follow line to the section providers of config/app.php:


And add the follow line to the section aliases:

'ShoppingCart'      => Overtrue\LaravelShoppingCart\Facade::class,


Add item to cart

Add a new item.

Item | null ShoppingCart::add(
                    string | int $id,
                    string $name,
                    int $quantity,
                    int | float $price
                    [, array $attributes = []]


$row = ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
// Item:
//    id       => 37
//    name     => 'Item name'
//    qty      => 5
//    price    => 100.00
//    color    => 'red'
//    size     => 'M'
//    total    => 500.00
//    __raw_id => '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da'
$rawId = $row->rawId();// get __raw_id
$row->qty; // 5

Update item

Update the specified item.

Item ShoppingCart::update(string $rawId, int $quantity);
Item ShoppingCart::update(string $rawId, array $arrtibutes);


ShoppingCart::update('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da', ['name' => 'New item name']);
// or only update quantity
ShoppingCart::update('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da', 5);

Get all items

Get all the items.

Collection ShoppingCart::all();


$items = ShoppingCart::all();

Get item

Get the specified item.

Item ShoppingCart::get(string $rawId);


$item = ShoppingCart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');

Remove item

Remove the specified item by raw ID.

boolean ShoppingCart::remove(string $rawId);



Destroy cart

Clean Shopping Cart.

boolean ShoppingCart::destroy();
boolean ShoppingCart::clean(); // alias of destroy();


ShoppingCart::destroy();// or ShoppingCart::clean();

Total price

Returns the total of all items.

int | float ShoppingCart::total(); // alias of totalPrice();
int | float ShoppingCart::totalPrice();


$total = ShoppingCart::total();
// or
$total = ShoppingCart::totalPrice();

Count rows

Return the number of rows.

int ShoppingCart::countRows();


ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
ShoppingCart::add(127, 'foobar', 15, 100.00, ['color' => 'green', 'size' => 'S']);
$rows = ShoppingCart::countRows(); // 2

Count quantity

Returns the quantity of all items

int ShoppingCart::count($totalItems = true);

$totalItems : When false,will return the number of rows.


ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
$count = ShoppingCart::count(); // 11 (5+1+5)

Search items

Search items by property.

Collection ShoppingCart::search(array $conditions);


$items = ShoppingCart::search(['color' => 'red']);
$items = ShoppingCart::search(['name' => 'Item name']);
$items = ShoppingCart::search(['qty' => 10]);

Check empty

bool ShoppingCart::isEmpty();

Specifies the associated model

Specifies the associated model of item before you add items to cart.

Cart ShoppingCart::associate(string $modelName);



ShoppingCart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);

$item = ShoppingCart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');
$item->product->name; // $item->product is instanceof 'App\Models\Product'

The Collection And Item

Collection and Overtrue\LaravelShoppingCart\Item are instanceof Illuminate\Support\Collection, Usage Refer to:Collections - Laravel doc.

properties of Overtrue\LaravelShoppingCart\Item:

  • id - your goods item ID.
  • name - Name of item.
  • qty - Quantity of item.
  • price - Unit price of item.
  • total - Total price of item.
  • __raw_id - Unique ID of row.
  • __model - Name of item associated Model.
  • ... custom attributes.

And methods:

  • rawId() - Return the raw ID of item.


Event Name Parameters
shopping_cart.adding ($attributes, $cart);
shopping_cart.added ($attributes, $cart);
shopping_cart.updating ($row, $cart);
shopping_cart.updated ($row, $cart);
shopping_cart.removing ($row, $cart);
shopping_cart.removed ($row, $cart);
shopping_cart.destroying ($cart);
shopping_cart.destroyed ($cart);

You can easily handle these events, for example:

Event::listen('shopping_cart.adding', function($attributes, $cart){
    // code

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