
Ruby and Ruby on Rails version

  • Ruby 2.6.2
  • Ruby on Rails 6.0.0

System requeriments

  • Ruby 2.6.2
  • Rails 6.0.0
  • Node 8.11.0+ (there is a bug with Node 10)
  • Yarn



bundle install


yarn install



Database Management

To setup database you either run:

bin/rails db:setup


bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails db:seed

Build API Documentation

To build API Documentation you need to run the following command:

bin/rails api:documentation

If you want to see API Documentation only visit to /api/documentation from your server that you are running.


You should run the tests with the following command:

bin/rails test test:system


You can lint the code running Rubocop:


Running the application

The application now uses Webpacker to compile assets (images, stylesheets and javascripts). You can run the server as usual with bin/rails s but if you make changes to assets Webpack will take a few seconds to compile and continue with the request.

If you want to avoid this wait time, then install foreman and run the following command PORT=3200 foreman start. This will start Webpack as a separate process which will be faster to compile assets. For PORT variable you can use any port that is suitable for you.

API Documentation

API is being documented using API Blueprint spec. Documentation can be found in docs/api.

aglio is used to generate static HTML in public/api. To view documentation point your browser to /api/documentation.

To generate a new version of documentation use bin/aglio stub or use bin/rails api:documentation rake task.

Additonal resources for API Blueprint documentation can be found at API Blueprint examples also, in Markdown Syntax for Object Notation MSON.

JSON schemas

With API Blueprint is also possible to generate JSON schemas for validation, just use bin/rails api:schemas rake task. This task will create a file test/schemas/schemas.json.

Understanding JSON schema is a good reference resource.