
Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Technologies
  3. Getting Started
  4. Building
  5. REST APIs
  6. User
  7. Book
  8. Author


A Book Store server side project in purpose of providing APIs that are used to CRUD books and their authors.

Tech stack

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • AWS Dynamo DB
  • AWS Cognito
  • OAuth2
  • JWT
  • JUnit5
  • Mockito
  • Lombok
  • MapStruct
  • Swagger
  • Microservices (implemented on a feature branch)

Getting Started

Create the particular tables on AWS DynamoDB and make sure to provide your AWS credentials in order to run successfully the app.

You can rely on model infrastracture where these tables are created by AWS CDK JAVA. All APIs are defined on model api .

You have to authorize firstly to get access token & refresh token, then use refresh token to gain a new access token if it expires. Books and authors APIs are exposed by access token, otherwise you will get 401 Unauthorized.


From the root folder, just execute the following command which will build/run unit and integration tests.

./gradlew clean build



  1. Login user POST /user/login

    Request body

       "email": "",
       "password": "user@123"

    Response 200

      "accessToken": "{access_token}",
      "refreshToken": "{refreshToken}"
  2. Signup new user POST /user/signup

    Request body

       "email": "",
       "password": "user@123"

    Response 201

  3. Refresh access token GET /user/refresh-token

    Response 200

      "accessToken": "{access_token}",
      "refreshToken": "{refreshToken}"


  1. Get book by id GET /book/{id}

    Response 200

      "id": "d18784b8-a7f3-4d45-b45c-2688e643b9f2",
      "title": "Goals",
      "authorId": "112bf093-a47e-4d09-a2a8-02c20ef5e2f7"
  2. Add new book POST /book

    Request body

       "title": "Sky is not far",
       "authorId": "112bf093-a47e-4d09-a2a8-02c20ef5e2f7"

    Response 201

      "id": "931e3c25-de9d-4a88-b955-021bcd3c1616"
  3. Update a book PUT /book/{id}

    Response 200

      "id": "d18784b8-a7f3-4d45-b45c-2688e643b9f2",
      "title": "My Goals",
      "authorId": "112bf093-a47e-4d09-a2a8-02c20ef5e2f7"
  4. Delete a book DELETE /book/{id}

    Response 204


  1. Get author by id GET /author/{id}

    Response 200

      "id": "112bf093-a47e-4d09-a2a8-02c20ef5e2f7",
      "firstName": "Foo",
      "lastName": "Bar"
  2. Add new author POST /author

    Request body

       "firstName": "Json",
       "lastName": "Jakarta"

    Response 201

      "id": "81f4ee81-9e40-4a8d-a0c7-0d9df3e6ee2a"
  3. Update an author PUT /author/{id}

    Response 200

      "id": "81f4ee81-9e40-4a8d-a0c7-0d9df3e6ee2a",
      "firstName": "Json",
      "lastName": "Bar"
  4. Delete an author DELETE /book/{id}

    Response 204